Some video worth sharing

The usual. Had a more ambitious idea, too tired now, yadda yadda doo. From now on, let’s just take it as a given that if the blog entry is a little less than editorially bulletproof, it is because I am not a healthy person in either mind or body (or spirit, or soul, or essence) and my problems done caught up with me again and gave me a whuppin’.

So instead of the impressively deep and penetrating exploration of whatever the hell I had in mind that I had in mind, I will share with you some cool videos I have come across recently, as well, of course, as my trenchant and scintillating analysis thereof.

I spoil you people, I really do.

First up in our little show is this, the winning entry in this years Nokia Shorts competition, supposedly shot entirely on one of their Nokia cellphones.

If that is the case, the video quality on these things is getting fantastic.

Splitscreen: A Love Story from JW Griffiths on Vimeo.

Not exactly a genius of narrative or a film with an awful lot to say to us, but it is only slightly longer than its central concept is interesting, and I am, again, impressed with the high quality of the video. This is not your father’s choppy, grainy cell phone video!

I guess that’s one of the battlegrounds of the cell phone world now, video quality. Isn’t fierce competition between big companies great? They duke it out and you get fresh miracles in your cell phone every year.

What’s with the music in that short, though? It seems lately that to have indie appeal, all flim has ot have to same sort of twinkly gentle dreamy sentimental music, which almost always features piano and that formerly rarely heard instrument, the glockenspiel.

In fact, the glockenspiel is rapidly becoming to our era what funky chicken bass guitar was to the seventies.

I wonder if that means it will start showing up in porn movies?

Next up in our program (programme if you are British) is this quite interesting trailer for a movie with, I think, a quite brilliant concept for a movie, specifically, a brilliant idea for a cheap indie movie without much special effects that nevertheless leverages science fiction in order to make something with potential for massive impact and depth.

It is called Ghosts With Shit Jobs, and while it is not exactly what comes to mind when you read that, it still seems pretty cool to me.

The idea is that in the future, the year 2040, the economy of the United States has been completely destroyed and all prosperity has fled East, to China and India. What is left of the population of America lives in the ruins of a once great civilization, picking over the bones of the USA and making money doing shitty jobs that nobody in Asia would be willing to do at any price.

Genius. It’s something you can shoot with no budget, just a camera and some friends, and yet with the right acting and script, it could be something that really resonates with the world of today and the fears of every American suffering through hard times right now.

It’s not clear at this point whether this is a real trailer for a munch longer movie, or whether the trailer is the movie and that is all there will ever be.

I kind of hope the trailer is the whole thing. As a trailer, it gets its key ideas across powerfully and simply. If you made this be a whole movie, it might get pretty tired.

Still, if it was a full length movie, I would still want to see it.

Finally, purely because this video came to mind recently and because it is one of the most wonderfully satisfying things you will ever see, here is Pimp Versus Karate Expert.

Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, fuck yes, yes, YES.

Is there anything more wonderful than seeing a woman-beating asshole pimp getting smacked down by someone who seems weaker and smaller than him but is actually a small but powerful package of complete and total bastard-wrecking MAYHEM?

Taste the white hot reverse half moon punch of INSTANT MOTHEFUCKING JUSTICE, scumbag!

I love how he gets up all wobbly and messed up, and manages to still keep his “I am tough and badass and not scared of you” face on while he “lets” the hooker lead him off.

You front little bitch, I hope he did permanent damage.