The war of the words

In this case, the words in question being the ones in my head and the war being the battle for which ones get to make it out of my brain, through my fingers, and into the real world via this here bloggy type thing.

I don’t know how it happened, but somehow, between sitting down to write and actually putting words into my WordPress box, I went from “fairly sure I knew what was going to write today” to “head full of sparks and cannon balls and fizz”.

I blame the people on IRC for being such interesting and stimulating conversationalists.

So, instead of any of the relatively thought out ideas I had at some point in the last hours for articles or short stories, instead you get a regular old chatty blog entry about whatever the hell is lying around at the moment, like usual.

This is the equivalent to a parent declaring that if the kids can’t get along peacefully, then none of them get to go to the beach.

It is not necessarily right or even fair, but it gets the job done.

Why the hell am I craving Pirate cookies all of a sudden? Stupid childhood memories.

Well, let’s see what we’ve got in the Tickle Trunk today.

Here’s a pic Ebert posted that I absolutely love.

I dare you to imagine what the SECOND wittiest couple gets up to!

I love absolutely everything about that picture. The smiles on the faces of our lucky happy witty couple. The completely tastelessness of their little “joke”. The semi-submerged layer of atrocious racism, as if they are both saying “The joke is that it’s a white person being lynched! Ha ha ha ha ha, as if! We’re so nutty. ” The bad joke just hanging there in the air like a hanged man. “This is not how you get a well hung man, Betty! Ha ha ha!”. The depressing crappiness of the (I assume) basement they shot this picture in. I bet that is literally right outside the door of the school newspaper or the yearbook office, if they weren’t the same thing. And oh, those old-fashioned names!

It’s one of those rare images that manages to tell an entire sad but somehow charming story all at once. It implies so much more than it depicts. Talk about media density!

Oh crap. The local gang of kids was being even more rowdy and noisy than ever just five minutes ago, and I was speculating that school better happen to these kids soon, or they are going to go all Lord of the Flies out there.

But now there is naught but a deathly silence punctuated only by the occasional soft sound of small things creeping over grass.

Oh no…. I have waited too long. They have already gone feral. Right now, they are probably spit-roasting poor Piggy over a fire made from discarded mattresses they harvested from beside the dumpster while wearing crude garments made from the skins of the local raccoons and skunks and decorated with crow and seagull feathers.

Of course, there’s an outside chance that they just all went home because it’s dark out.

But me, I prefer to play the odds.

Let’s see. Oh, went to see a new therapist today, a Doctor Costin. Joe was nice enough to get up early to drive me to my 10 am appointment and then be there when I was done to drive me home. Luckily, the next appointment will be at 1 pm, much more compatible with his work schedule, which is 2:30 pm to 10:30 pm, Monday to Friday.

The session went great. He asked lots of questions about me, and got my vital statistics and personal info and whatnot. And he made demands of me, specifically to get my sleep into something approaching good shape and to start getting some exercise.

So far, breaking myself of the napping habit had not gone well, but I have only just started and bad habits are not broken with a simple decision to try. I sincerely don’t know what to do with myself if I don’t take names, which is a sad sad testament to how empty my life is.

I think I use sleep simply to fast-forward through life. As though I need it to pass any faster when my life is already half fucking over and I haven’t even DONE anything yet.

Exercise, meh. That’s going to be even harder than the sleep thing. I have been sedentary to the point of being practically sessile for so long that I don’t know any other life, and it’s hard to convince myself to move just for its own sake.

But I know it would help if I did. So I will work towards it. It’s always hardest at the start of personal change. It’s like trying to open a really heavy door. At first you push and push and it barely seems to be moving. But eventually, it opens.

So wish me luck on that. I am quite happy to have a therapist who challenges me. I need some sort of resistance and stimulation in my life. Some of the best things that ever happened to me have been because someone cared enough about me to confront me and kick me in the ass and make me snap the hell out of my inner fugue and deal with things.

I am far too good at tuning others in to my mellow, affable wavelength, when what I really need in the long term is some static.

Well, that’s enough jibba jibba for tonight, readerlings. Hopefully, tomorrow I will avoid overstimulation and be able to offer something a little more coherent.

Until then, tango chutney waffle cones.

To foob or not to foob, that is the question

And the answer, of course, is…. FOOB!

I mean honestly, why not?

Here we are again in wacky crazy Foobsville, population F00B, and it’s time to get down, get funky, and share some of the bounty of the Internet with you fine folks as you browse the shops, boutiques, and bidets of our quaint little town.

First off, hey, remember this guy?

That’s Jim Carrey, confessing his undying love and urinary issues to Emma Stone.

I can’t believe there are people complaining about how “creepy” Carrey seems in this video. Um, this is Jim Carrey, he was born creepy and has been working on it ever since. He’s a very talented guy, and I loved Ace Venture when I saw it in the theaters (not sure I still would, mind you… ) and I consider myself somewhat of a fan.

But if you can’t tell that he is not being serious at all in this video, and obviously made this for Emma Stone in order to make her laugh and have something fun to share around, then like Ebert said, you have Irony Blindness and there should be a telethon for people like you so you can get the help you need.

Next up, we have a story so full of “Awwwwww!!” cuteness that it will make your heart happy and your inside giggle! It’s the story of two highly unusual friends.

Skip to 0:30 to see what I am talking about.

Isn’t that lovely? That dog swims out into the harbour every single day just to play with his dolphin friend. It’s such a marvelous testament to the gregarious and loving nature of our fuzzy best friends that it does my heart good just seeing it.

And of course, it also shows how friendly and playful dolphins are as well. One can only speculate about what Doogie the Dolphin thinks of his odd fluffy (and soggy) playmate. Does he think of him as just a very weirdly shaped dolphin? Or do dolphins even care about such things, or do they just want to be friends with the world?

If he’s lucky, maybe his dolphin friend will teach him to go conching. It is totally the latest thing amongst the dolphin “smart set” and would be tres. tres chic.

As for the dog’s owners at the inn, I am sure they really appreciate having this unique little feature to draw in tourists.

But I bet they could live without the daily salty wet dog smell. Eww.

Next door to that last story we find one of my favorite things in the world : geek love.

This guy, Gary Hudston, commissioned two very talented Portal 2 level designers and, get this, featuring the original GladOS voice actress, Ellen McClain, to make a three part Portal 2 level that would end with a marriage proposal to his gal, Stephanie.

For those of us who do not inherently find watching someone completely a Portal 2 level fascinating, I highly suggest watching the opening text sequence, then skipping ahead to around 6:30 in the video for the marriage proposal bit.

Oh, and if you want the full story, click this here link.

I absolutely adore this kind of thing. I am a big soft sentimental marshmallow at heart, and big romantic gestures like this melt my gooey heart every time. If I am ever lucky enough to have a fellow in my life who goes to this kind of trouble to propose to me, I will love him forever and ever and ever and then some. I would fall for this like a ton of besotted bricks. And if I was ever the one doing the proposing, you can bet I would want to make it something spectacular, because only something big and sweet like this could possibly express the depth, breadth, and power of my love.

Plus, you know, I’m a ham.

Finally, we offer this chilling vision into what happens when your mama finally gets tired enough of your pestering her while she does the laundry to snap.

He's well hung for his age

“And you will stay up there, young man, until you either learn to behave like a civilized human being, or the sheets are dry. ”

Well, that’s it for this week, foob fans! Time to roll up the streets, tuck the kids into bed, share a nightcap with someone you love in front of a roaring fire, preferably in a fireplace, and then slip in to bed for a long night’s sleep.

You’ve earned it!

We prefer to remain….

…. Anonymous.

What and Who is Anonymous? And WHAT are we Capable of? Take a fucking LOOK! from Helmut on Vimeo.

The language is a little hyperbolic, the music is a little obvious, and the abuse of proper capitalization and puncuation is a tad much, but still, not a bad video and it is a subject in which I am quite interested.

First, a little clarification, as the media, for all its efforts, does not quite seem able to grasp exactly what Anonymous is.

There is a hugely important website called, and originally it was just a place where people post pictures and links and such to the Internet, like dozens of others. Smut, funny videos, weird links from the past, the usual grist for the Internet mill.

On it, there is a section where anyone can post anything with complete anonymity. There’s no usernames, no signup, no tracking of any kind. It is the “anonymous” section, and it is from this the “group” Anonymous takes its name.

This section, over the last decade or so, became a unique environment, fast-paced, wild, anarchic, and freethinking. The complete anonymity meant that people were only represented by what they said and did, prompting people to wild and creative action. It became a place to express yourself and win the applause and praise of others, or their mocking scorn, all without personal risk. You did not even risk a reputation, because you have none. No identity means complete freedom.

It rapidly became a hotbed of Internet culture, generating popular memes, serving as a raucous mob forum for unfettered communication and hence becoming a powerful reactor core for the slowly forming world consciousness.

As such, it’s often quite ugly. Consciousness in the raw is not a pretty sight, and a lot of nasty behaviour, deliberate foulness, and goonish behaviour can be found there. But the fascinating thing is that as this molten consciousness cooled a little and began to find its voice and its power, it began becoming a place for action.

Participants would call attention to something they thought was wrong, and suddenly, there would be thousands of people attacking the target over the Internet. The one I remember hearing about is the Internet hell unleashed on someone who posted a video of them abusing a kitten to the Internet. This person had their personal information stolen and posted all over the Net, had their email flooded, had their credit cards hacked, and so on.

And all with no central authority, and no personal gain. People do this simply for the pleasure of purposeful action, and the approval of their peers.

You know, basic human motivation, no cash required.

More recently, as you can see by the video, this group has developed a social consciousness and an agenda of sorts. With the attack on Wikileaks, and obviously with heavy influence from Alan Moore’s V for Vendetta, they have become freedom fighters determined to strike back at the great wrongness of the world of today.

Being anonymous, they are accountable to nobody but each other and their own consciences. This is quite obviously scary. There’s a reason we rarely have torch wielding mobs play the hero in our popular movies. Individuals in a free society fear the mob mentality.

But I (cautiously) applaud them. They are the only sort of force that can overcome all the corrupt gatekeepers and senile dementors running the world right now. They are the youth, strength, passion, and idealism required to forge a new world.

They might be an unruly mob, but they represent enough power and idealism that they can actually threaten the powers that be. And that is something desperately needed in today’s rotten old world.

This is the Millennials searching for a way to strike back at the ills of the world and finding it. The hippies had sit-ins, rallies, and protests. The hipsters have the Internet, and that is a lot more powerful in a much shorter period of time.

I am intrigued by their threat to take on international banking. That would be the ultimate hack. The money Internet that is international banking is amazingly secure. It’s also the conduit of a lot of evil, of billionaires playing shell games with numbered corporations, ill gotten gains, and money laundering.

If they could crack that, and actually steal some of these bastards’ money and redirect it to, say, pro-democracy organizations or famine relief, then it would really get these fucker’s attention. Then they would have to listen.

Because nothing can stop Anonymous except shutting down the Internet.

And when they do that, you shut down your government.

Friday Science Roundup, August 26, 2011

As usual, the amazing science stories are raining down on my brain and my browser like artillery shells, and all I can do is fire back and pray!

For example, scope this : bottlenosed dolphins in Australia are teaching one another a new way to fish called “conching”.

It’s a simple game : grab a conch shell, swim through a school of small wish with it in your beak, surface, shake the water out, and dump a whole whack of little fish directly into your smiling mouth for a tasty maritime treat.

Repeat until full.

And the very cool thing is that not only are some dolphins in Australia’s Shark Bay (home of Shark Week, no doubt) doing this neat new trick, but that the trick is spreading amongst the dolphins like wildfire. Soon, that whole population will be doing it!

And you know what that means? Dolphins got culture!

Think about it. If two teams of alien scientists checked out the bottlenosed dolphins in question at two different times, one before this innovation and one after, the ones before would have no idea the dolphins were capable of this trick, and the ones afterwards might well conclude that it was both “natural” and “instinctive” to the dolphins, and point out how well evolved they are to do it!

No, you alien ninnies, it’s culture and innovation!

And hey, check out the latest bionic hand!

Pretty kickass, right? Hell of a price tag, but did you see her picking up those little blocks? That’s downright amazing.

But to me, the most important thing is that not only does it work well, but it looks cool. It’s not some Uncanny Valley fake-real thing that just creeps people out, or some horrible thing with hooks on the end that look like they will rip your eyeballs out.

It’s a very sleek and cyborg-like prosthetic and, in not even trying to make it look human, they have actually made it much better for a fifteen year old girl at school.

Everyone will want to look at it and watch her use it, and some of them will honestly be kind of jealous of her awesome robot arm. Then the novelty will wear off, and people will get used to it, and it’ll just be another normal part of life. Perfect.

And this piece is now (gloriously) dated, but I still love it :

Remember Junkyard Wars? This is the real fucking thing, people. Libyan rebels taking whatever they can get their hands on and turning it into weapons against oppression.

That’s the sort of thing that does my rabble rousing rebel heart good. Anything that makes sure the few have a harder time oppressing the many is fine by me. You can take your stupid “citizen militias” full of survivalist gun nuts any day. They are few and far between and not much good when the shit really goes down.

But you give me a population willing and able to turn anything and everything into a weapon, and you have a population that can and will resist tyranny.

And they will do it with SCIENCE!

Let’s see…. oh, there’s the blooming controversy surrounding the new generation of so-called “memory erasing drugs”.

As usual, the bullshit is way ahead of the facts here. So let’s be clear : nobody has invented some Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (great flick, BTW) type wonder drug yet.

We are just talking about drugs that might be able to keep the brain from making those excessively strong and deep memories that impair the entire functional of the brain afterwards and lead to the whole range of post-traumatic mental illnesses.

So honestly, what’s the controversy? Sounds fine to me. Who needs that kind of memory? Sure, it might change the person’s personality, but that is equally true of absolutely every form of recovery from mental illness. Oddly enough, going from “mentally ill” to “sane” tends to change people’s personality. Since when is that a bad thing?

Oh, and one last nugget o’ science fun : researchers have spotted a supernova mere hours after it started, and now all eyes are on it, making it the most studied supernova in the history of astronomy.

Now, let’s be clear : they spotted it within hours of it happening from our point of view. The thing is 21 million light years away, so presumably, this supernova actually took place 21 million years ago.

Still, to us, it’s brand new, and now scientists are rushing to point every single telescope on Earth and in space towards it so we can capture the richest data set ever about a supernova. In other words :

We are going to study the fuck out of that thing.

Damn, I love science.

See you next week, folks!

I’ll take Potpourri for $100, Alex!

Glory be, I actually wrote some fiction yesterday, and as is tradition when I have finally gotten ’round to writing some fiction, the next day’s entry is officially a completely free form, low stress, chatty bloggy thing.

Fiction is, after all, the hardest thing to write, at least for me. It takes the most of my creative energy and focus, and I am bone lazy, hence, I don’t write it that often, although I quite enjoyed writing it last night, so perhaps I will do it more in the future.

I have pondered starting some sort of fictional blog, something with a simple conceit of some sort that allows for a good deal of creative breadth while giving the whole thing a bit of structure. The blog of an intergalatic space administrator, a minor flunctionary who mostly just shuffles reports around. Reports he rather inappropiately tends to excerpt on his own personal blog.

You know, something along those lines.

And speaking of science fiction, here are possibly two of the most awesome examples of geek ink this side of Squornshellous Zeta.

My H2G2 Tattoo

Are they not the stuff that dreams are made from? You know, human flesh and metallic inks?

What I love most about them is how faithful they are to the traditional art style of tattoos. That’s what makes it magnificent. If it was done in the wrong style, people would immediately know it’s not a “normal” tattoo before even reading it or recognizing the pictures. They’d be ready.

This way, they have already accepted it as a tattoo before knowing it’s a geek tatt, and that, to me, makes it magnificent.

Geek pride, represent!

All in all, I am happy with how my writing is going lately. I feel like I am learning to focus more and more of my creative energy into my words, which has been my goal all along. I have an enormous energy potential in this brain of mine, but the trick has always been in getting it to strike when, where, and how I want it, without too much coming out all at once and frying the entire system.

I often imagine my mind as a vast complicated weather system, full of lightning licking and flickering between the clouds, with big pressure and temperature differentials and enormous amounts of polarization and diffusion, yet somehow, all the people on the ground ever see is fluffy clouds and rainbows and blue skies.

Except for the occasional bolt from the blue…..

But I want my mind to be more like a magnificent machine, more Ray Bradbury and Roald Dahl and steampunk than anything based on science. A machine that whirrs and clanks and buzzes, with bells and lights and big red buttons, all to produce magic and wonder and joy beyond belief for everyone to share.

I want to dream some magnificent dreams, brand new ones, with spots on, that the world has never seen before, and that change everything just by being born. Dreams so bright and beautiful that you would think they would blind you, but instead, they simply painlessly burn the scales from your eyes and wash all the jadedness and scar tissue from your soul, and leave you in a bright new shiny clean wondrous world ready to be loved.

You know, just that.

And the thing is, it is possible. Words have made a difference, books have changed the world. Try to imagine a world in which Origin of Species or The Feminine Mystique or even Peyton Place had never been written.

Of course, the authors of said books actually wrote stuff, whole books even, and not just random rambling blog entries.

But I am getting there, I think. I am learning to express more and more of this latent creative potential in my little words. And that’s cool.

As you can see, in my own odd way, I am incredibly ambitious. It’s just the ambition of a dreamer, someone who wants to bring wonderful things to life and show them to the world so that the whole world can know joy and wonder and hope and the simple pleasure of being alive in a world with so much possibility.

And what the hell, while I am at it, bring myself to this wonderful new place too.

Is it possible to dream yourself free?

I sure hope so, because that might just be the only way I can get there.

See you all tomorrow, my beloved little clique of readers.

I truly love you all.

The unwanted child

One May, a boy was born that nobody wanted.

He wasn’t planned, you see. There had been three, two girls then a boy, before him, all planned, all wanted, born one after the other so that they would all be as close in age as possible without being triplets.

They formed an ungainly but cohesive sibling unit, and no thought was given to adding to the family unit at all.

But then, four and half years after the last one was born, a surprise failure of a tubal ligation brought into their happy little world a little redheaded boy that, well, just didn’t fit, really.

Mother had already gone back to work after putting three little ones into the world and getting them to roughly school age, and she certainly wasn’t going to put her life on hold for a kid whom nobody had intended.

So our little redheaded tyke was raised by babysitters. Mostly, a very nice lady from the other side of the tracks (literally) named Betty, who had just the right mix of tenderness and toughness to raise an almost frighteningly bright but extremely sweet little redhead.

That rather nicely left everyone to get on with their own lives without having to give our boy any thought at all.

So they didn’t.

Still, he made friends with the girl next door and the girl across the street, and was a little sad when his whole family left every day for school and work, but they were not all that close, so it was okay.

And to be fair, his family never told him he wasn’t wanted, or that it was really inconvenient to have him around, or that they had been better off before him.

They just treated him that way.

He got the message, and tried to stay out of everyone’s say and make himself as small and easy to care for as possible. That was, he figured, his job in the family.

To try his best to just disappear.

Then school happened, and things got considerably worse. Turns out, being raised by a babysitter and a well-meaning but distracted family, and having had only girls as friends, had left him ill-equipped to deal with the rough and tumble of the schoolyard.

The kids at school behaved nothing like everyone he had known up until that point, in that they acted like normal children and not the products of a highly intellectual and individualistic family where people more or less did their own thing.

He couldn’t relate. Plus, he was somewhat sloppy in appearance (because nobody was there to make sure he looked OK before he walked alone to school) and arrived at school already reading and writing far above the other students.

So he couldn’t relate to them, or they to him, and he rapidly became the lowest on the totem pole for his whole school.

Even the retarded kids had friends, and laughed at him.

He was bullied constantly by other students, never had healthy friendships, and went through the school system ostracized and alone. But at least his parents had promised that he would have the same college education his sisters had already had, paid for by them.

Then college came. And for the first time in his life, he had healthy friendships with a group of other nerds who came to collectively refer to themselves as The Pit Crew, because they met and hung out in a small cafeteria known as The Pit.

For two glorious years, he was truly happy. He enjoyed his courses, he hung out with his nerdy friends, he had his first apartment, he lived the college life.

Then his parents decided they wanted to take early retirement and abruptly withdrew their funding, breaking their promise and suddenly throwing their unwanted child into limbo. He was forced to moved back to his high-unemployment small town, unable to return to school for two years or more because the student loan laws in his province made no provisions for parents who could easily afford to send their kids to college, but just didn’t feel like it.

Without himself as the anchor, The Pit Crew drifted apart. Once solid friendships simply dissolved without him.

And so he went back to being alone, and spending most of his time in his room, and sank deeper and deeper into depression that as of the writing of this article still claims him.

And as of this date, he is 38 years old.

Depression has no exit signs.

The long smoldering fire

Well, kids, your weary old Uncle MJB isn’t feeling any better today, in fact, you might say he’s feeling more than a little poorly, and….

You know what? Fuck that. I feel like shit and I don’t give a fuck who knows it.

It’s gotten worse since yesterday. I still feel like all my joints desperately need direct lubrication, but now it’s spread to every other cell of my body. I feel like I am slowly roasting inside with a deep, intense, dark heat, like one of those smoldering swamp fires that burns under the peat moss for centuries, just waiting for that one extra dry summer to unleash the long delayed inferno.

And so, mood = bad. I feel angry and surly and bitter and vicious and violent and seething with the fire that does not cleanse.

And it only seems to be getting worse. Yay.

I have feared this sort of thing for a long time. The fear is that, at some point, all the anger and pain and frustration and rage that I have completely disowned and dispersed and “disappeared” for all these decades would reach some sort of critical mass and ignite, and from there, it would be impossible to go back. I would just become angrier and angrier and angrier until I was nothing but an incoherently bitter old crank who foamed at the mouth at the slightest provocation and who was impossible to be around.

You know, like George Carlin post his What Am I Doing In New Jersey? concert.

And I do not invoke one of my comedy idols (despite himself) lightly or flippantly here. I have suspected for a long time that his personality transformation from the hippy dippy observational comedian of the Seventies, with his material about how we use words and odd things we do to him, to his eventual status as a horrible bitter, misanthropic, venom spewing crank as being a case of someone who was too “mellow” to express his anger or concern for a long, long time, until old age and Reagan set it free, and from then on, it was goodbye mellow Doctor Hyde, hello hateful Mister Hyde.

And what bothers me most is not just the prospect of that happening to me, but the fact that I feel dangerously close to not giving a shit if it does any more.

What do you do when you carry a vast unregulated toxic nuclear dump of radioactive anger inside? Where is the Superfund to clean up this mess? It’s past the point where blame can be meaningfully assigned. Sure, it would have been a lot easier in the long term if all this stuff had been dealt with at the time. But that’s besides the point now. The only thing that matters now is, what the hell do we do with it?

I feel this poisonous free-floating hatefulness coursing through my veins and filling my mind with bilious fumes, making me feel like a caged animal who is more than willing to rip a huge piece of flesh off of the first person stupid enough to stick a limb within reach.

And I don’t know how to handle this. That’s the real problem. Angrier people, I suppose, learn how to deal with this kind of thing. But I am normally a mellow guy, although times like this make me realize just how much my usual friendliness is just so much artificial grass atop an abandoned nuclear silo.

They say that depression is just anger directed inward, and I have always intuitively sensed the wisdom of that. Taking out your anger on yourself might not be smart, but you never have to go looking for a victim and so you really can’t beat it for convenience.

And it’s true, then maybe the silver lining here might be that this recent decline in health both physical and mental will force me to find some way of expressing all this anger that I lock deep down inside, and that once I do, I will be a saner, healthier, better person.

The dump will be empty and I will no longer live in a haze of toxins and radiation while pretending everything is just fine.

Because some of us were never allowed to be anything but fine.

Some of us, in fact, are terrified that if we are anything but perfectly lovely and nice and pleasant and funny and fine, people will abandon us forever.

Hmmm. Guess next time, it will be time to bitch about my parents.

Bet you’re all looking forward to that!

Feeling under the fooble

… although us mortals suspect.

Heya foobketeers! I hope you all have your Secret Dakota Rings (because we special people know there’s a third Dakota, and it sure ain’t Fanning, am I right kids?), your Official Foobketeer Spy Glasses(for looking into Mom and Dad’s SOULS!), and of course, your very own custom personalized ultra secret and cool jar of industrial-strength artisnal Mustardayonaise. Otherwise, you’re not a true Foobketeer, and all your friends and family will mock you mercilessly for the shameful and scurrilous faker than you are!

And you’ll deserve it too, dammit.

Sorry, kids, that was a tad harsh. You’ll have to forgive your poor old lovable Uncle MJB for not being his usual halt and chipper self today, and being even, perhaps, a wee bit snarly round the edges, but one of his key medications for his diabetes has gone off the market here in Canada[1] and he is three days without it and beginning to feel the effects. He feels tired and stressed and cranky and ill and like all his joints need severe lubrication (Oilcan! Oilcan!), and it’s put a hamper on his usual Sunday fooblefied ebullience. So as he vowed, as a child, never to take out his foul moods on others (unlike certain fathers he has), he has withdrawn from social congress, holed up in his roam, and suffers in seclusion. Thus, he saves everyone from the barbs of his infirm state.

Well, except for you people, but you love me, so you understand.

Seriously, though, I feel like hell. And I am pissed off at my doctor, because I found out about Avandia, the drug that put my diabetes in check, being discontinued on last Wednesday, and the pharmacist assured me that she would call my doctor’s office immediately and they would arrange some kind of alternative, and so far… no word from either party. I am totally going to call my doctor tomorrow and get me some explanations, because here I am getting sicker while someone does not do their god damned job.

I will try to remain calm on the phone, though. More flies with honey, and all that. But I am feeling cruddy enough so that my usual deference and timidity will most likely be entirely superceded by my burgeoning grumpiness.

I mean, this is my freaking life on the line here, people. Hop to it!

Must remain calm. Clear blue oceans, deep cleansing breaths, daydreams of bloody and painful vengeance on all who have ever wronged me or caused me pain…. ah, that’s better.

So um…. foobs and stuff. Right. Uh…. well there’s uh….. no, no, that wouldn’t do. I guess I could show you…. nope, never mind that, too dark… um….. fuck.

Sorry kids. I got nothin’.

Here’s a random cute animal pic from my collection.

Yup. That's what cute looks like.

Aww. That makes me feel better. I still feel ill, but there is nothing quite like a picture of an adorable animal peacefully asleep to soothe the rattled nerves of a sickie, especially if the sickie is me.

For those of you unfamiliar with this charming and adorable species, the sleeping cutie you are looking at is a red panda, sometimes known by its Chinese name as a wah, and while I know it looks like the creation of a mad genius stuffed animal designer, it’s a real honest to goodness animal that lives and breathes and scampers through the tress in southwest China and the Himalayan Mountains.

As much as we love our adorable everyday cats and dogs and other critters, it’s amazing to think there’s whole continents full of adorable animals we’ve never even seen, isn’t it?

A globetrotter’s perspective on the cute and cuddly critters of the world, I suppose.

One more darn cute pic :

Big kitties are cute too!

Awwwww. They’re just big kittens after all! Really big kittens, with the bodies of nature’s perfect athletes, reflexes faster than lightning, a mouthful of teeth that could rip the face right off your skull, and claws like razors that crave meat.

But look at that fuzzy tummy! Don’t you just want to fuzzle it?

Yup, no way I would survive that encounter.

That’s it for me, all my dear sweet gentle and above all sexy readers. Time for your Uncle MJB to go lie down and feel miserable for a while.

Seeya next weekm, kids!

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. And only a year after the Americans de-listed it, too! We’re getting faster.

Another Sunless Saturday

( Today’s blog entry title is a reference to this awesome Fishbone song. )

There’s been sun outside today, but not a lot inside, as I have spent yet another day mostly asleep. I can’t get back on track with treating my sleep apnea soon enough.

I can’t even really imagine what a fully rested me is like, to be honest. I have been tired all the time for as long as I can remember.

Might just try being obnoxiously perky for a while, just to see what it’s like.

Oh, here’s a fun cat video for us feline aficionados.

Shows what you can do with a video camera, your computer’s microphone, a cat, a dog, and some editing software. And lots of imagination and fun.

The guy has done tons of these, presumably because being cat based, cute, and mildly funny, they are perfect YouTube fodder and get loads of hits.

Cats, of course, are the only thing as popular as porn on the Internet. And YouTube doesn’t allow porn[1], so guess what?

Cats rule YouTube. And from there, the Internet! Mua ha ha!

Why is it so easy to imagine our cats as supervillains? (And so impossible to imagine out dogs as them?)

It’s nice and quiet in the ol’ apartmente tonight. Saturday is the evening that my roomies Joe and Julian (otherwise know as J&J, the Two J’s, J², or The Happy Couple) go to Joe’s parents’ place for a pleasant evening of supper and board games.

Right now, I imagine they are breaking in the tenth-anniversary edition of Carcassone that Joe bought his Dad for his birthday. Still haven’t tried that game, which given that it has been around for ten years, evidently, does make me feel more than a little late to the part. After all, everyone who tries it seems to get instantly hooked and want to play it again and again because it’s super fun.

It’s like the crack cocaine of board games. And here I am, still puffing on the ditch weed of solo video games.

Oh well, I am sure someone had made an online version I could play all my by lonesome self if I really wanted to experience it.

That, and Settlers of Catan. Chris Catan.

What else… oh, a rare non-embed video link from me, but the content justifies it : a super young looking Siskel and Ebert, in 1980, talk about the great performances the Oscars forgot from the 1970s.

I am completely in love with how cheesy that old opening to the show is. Shot on film, appropriately enough, and wow, what is with that crazy popcorn machine that whirls the popcorn out in big spirals? Never seen one like that before. Must be damn loud.

That’s certainly not the opening I remember, but I probably never even saw the show till I was a teenager at least, and in 1980 I was only seven years old.

So in regards to the performances, most of them, sadly, are from people I don’t know and movies I haven’t seen. So they were more educational than entertaining to me, if you catch my drift.

But I have certainly seen A Clockwork Orange, and I total agree with them on why the Oscars ignored Malcolm’s simply spectacular performance. In a movie so absolutely packed with vibrant and unstoppable imagery and dialogue, like a prismacolored nightmare projected directly onto your cerebrum, even an amazing performance like his is overshadowed by the sheer vivid madness of Kubrick’s movie.

Speaking of vivid, watched What Dreams May Come recently. Amazing art direction, and some good performances (Robin Williams is always great and Annabella Sciorra looks amazing and does a great job) but overall, the movie left me feeling very bleh about it.

It’s one of these movies that is all about the visuals. The movie has amazing art direction, and does marvelous things with not just color but colorfulness itself, that make it a feast for the eyes in every frame. It shimmers with life in that “realer than reality” way that dreams and visions can have, and by the end, you really do feel like you have been walking through other people’s dreams.

But not interesting people. Because, as hard as this movie tries for big, deep, broad, meaningful commentary about love and loss and hope, the story ultimate feels entirely secondary to the visual design, as though they just needed a deep-seeming plot to connect big visual set pieces. And as a writer and a very narrative biased person, I just can’t accept that there is any substitute for story. Certainly not pretty visuals.

So a seemingly rich feast turned out to be more empty calories. No matter how pretty the icing, you still need a cake there somewhere.

Guess that’s all for now. Later, kidderlings. 🙂

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. Though strangely, contains a bewildering amount of animal mating videos, some bispecial, so apparently it’s just human porn that is forbidden. Go fig!

Friday Science Roundup, August 19, 2011

Another week in the world’s weary transit round our round old sun, and another week of science news goodness to sift through, choose from, and proffer to you, my good and gentle readers, as a hapless and penniless moonstruck beau offers his lady a bouquet of carefully chosen wildflowers from a shy and trembling hand.

How’s that for a little impromptu poetry? I amaze myself sometimes.

First up, a story that I absolutely love because it contains many of my favorite elements[1] : a 13 year old boy has designed a new kind of solar panel based on the Fibonacci sequence that might just make solar panels far more efficient in the future.

Efficiency, of course, is the magic word when it comes to solar power. The Sun gives us so much free (to us) energy that we could solve all our energy problems ten times ’round if we could but capture enough of it for our needs.

But current solar panels captures woefully little of it. But that might change thanks to New York seventh grade student Aidan Dwyer, and his brilliant new design based on the Fibonacci sequence[2] and, of all things, the mighty oak tree.

He was walking in the woods, and noted (as many before) that the branches of the oak trees followed a Fibonacci pattern. He then decided to get out his protractor and measure just how an oak tree is put together, then went home and made a computer model of it, then built a PVC “tree” based on that model.

The result : solar collectors on his “tree” took in far more energy than the usual flat rooftop panel arrangement, and all without any parts having to move to catch the sun.

Makes sense, right? Trees don’t lean over to catch the sun! Nature has already designed extremely efficient solar collectors. They’re called trees, and they are all around us. This kid just figured out how they do it.

Like all genius, it is elegantly simple and obvious once someone explains it to you.

He figures the Fibonacci angle keeps the various parts of the tree (and his “tree”) from casting shadows on one another, thus maximizing solar intake.

Amazing stuff, Aidan. That’s true genius!

Next up : the secret language of pronouns.

Not that pronouns are secret. Feel free to continue using them.

Like these smart people!

No, the secret is how the way a person uses pronouns, and which ones they use and how often, reveals about the psychology of said person. According to the research of psychologist James Pennebaker of the Univerity of Texas in Austin, an amazing wealth of information can be derived about a person’s mental state simply from which pronouns they use most often, whether in writing or in everyday speech.

Myself, I am dubious about the predictive power of his results. Sure, you can find all kinds of patterns in known data sets. When you are analyzing the past, as with looking into someone’s writing, it’s easy to fool yourself into thinking you can correlate Observation A with Known Event A. That doesn’t mean there’s an actual meaningful connection.

Still, if he wants to pretend he can predict the actiosn of him or her, I won’t object.

Lastly, we have this extremely awesome little video of the closest thing we have to Voltron existing in the world today.

Heck, better than Voltron. No five stereotypical anime character human pilots needed!

Seriously, though, my mouth hung open in amazement during most of that video. The Eye-bots alone are pretty snazzy. But watching all the colorful shiny robots work together to solve a problem is truly fascinating.

Not sure if the clunkily-named “Swarmanoid” (why not just “Swarmoid”?) will make it as a real world problem solver, despite the usual boilerplate stuff at the end there about it being used in space exploration or hazardous environment work.

I get the distinct feeling that a lot of steps were glossed over in the presentation in order to make the ‘bots seem more independent than they are.

But still, this sort of thing, making individual units that can cooperate, coordinate, and operate in parallel, as well as integrating video into the process, strikes me as a very interesting line of exploration that could well lead to something potent and practical in the not too distant future.

Well, that’s it for science for this week. Tune in next week, when I will reveal the name of the secret master mole who controls earthquakes. Ciao!

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. For those playing at home, said elements are : pure innovation via inspiration, new directions from younger people, child prodigies, successful modeling after nature, and alternate energy. How many did you get?
  2. The sequence in which each number is the sum of the two numbers before it