Pay the Writer!

Came across an interesting clip from an upcoming documentary today, and it seemed like a good jumping off point for tonight’s article.

Warning, the following clip contains Harlan Ellison being himself.

Needless to say, being a writer, I kind of agree with Harlan, although I may be biased.

Also needless to say, he makes his point in the most asshole-like way he possibly can, including a tale of how he verbally abused some random studio flunky because she had the gall to suggest he do something for free.

But buried somewhere in that giant stinking heap of Harlan’s highly toxic personality is a good point or two, I think.

First off, yeah, sure, all the other people agreed to do their DVD stuff for free. That’s because they are all actors who have gone on to do other things and legitimately can think of this as publicity for themselves.

Or they are J. Michael Straczynski and are worshiped as a god by nerds worldwide, and have no need for such petty offerings as “money”.

But writers are just writers, even when they are as (in)famous as Harlan. They need to get paid for what they do, and paying work is scarce in the world of writing (which is why all those “amateurs” have to work for free, Harlan, you douche nozzle) and so every writer is best served by being pretty fierce about getting paid for their work whenever possible.

And it’s not like he is asking for money from some earnest group of hard-working fans who are scraping something together out of love for the show and are putting it all together on their friend’s MacBook Pro because they all work at Starbucks.

This is Warner Brothers here. They can afford to pay, and they should pay, if asked.

That didn’t justify Harlan being such a dick to the nice lady on the phone, though, and I can only hope he is embellishing the story and was not actually that rude to her.

But you never know with a prime dickhead like Harlan. Maybe he was even worse, who knows?

The problem boils down to the fact that there are hundreds of millions of people who want to be writers in the world. It is a job with a high degree of appeal to those of us who are shy and highly verbal and big time readers and/or consumers of other media.

And when you have such an enormous supply with such a (relatively) low demand, it becomes rather heavily a buyer’s market and we poor sellers are left in a very poor bargaining position. Sure, we would all like to be able to demand to be paid for anything we do. Do that as a struggling, unknown writer like millions of others, and you will find yourself unpublished and obscure for the rest of your life.

I know it’s hard for you to remember, Harlan, but there was even a time before you were famous, and when you might well have been willing to work (or even take a piss) for free just to get your name out there.

Of course, you haven’t written jack shit in the last twenty years anyhow, so I supposed you have to lunge for every potential revenue stream you can lest you end up working for a living. By the way, when’s that next Dangerous Visions coming out? Real Soon Now?

Myself, I would love to be a paid writer. What wannabe writer wouldn’t? We all dream of being able to make a comfortable living just typing away and creating our magic, with all the little mundane details of life taken care of by others who are paid to do so. with just the occasional book tour to shake the cobwebs out of our furrowed brows and air out our leather-elbowed tweed jackets. It’s an intellectual’s wet dream, and one I am haphazardly pursuing even just by writing this article.

(I think it might involve getting my shit together enough to take something I wrote and polishing it up so I can send it to the sort of people who publish things. Boy, that’s going to be a tough one. )

And Lord knows, a lot of people are eager to completely ignore the writer’s role in things, and a lot of writers are more than willing to go along with that because of the aforementioned buyer’s market, and, honestly, low self-esteem amongst introverts.

But that does not excuse all those people for trying to cut the writer out of the deal, as thought the parent is the least important part of a childhood.

So pay the writer already!

Some neat stuff!

Still waiting on the Next Big Story Idea, so for now, I will just share with you lovely people all the really neato stuff that I have come across lately.

Let’s start off with a little animated GIF that is sure to surprise you.


Talk about an eye-popping illusion, huh? It really blew my mind when I first saw it. I was expecting that it would be one of those clips you see these days where a 2D object on a piece of paper is turned into a 3D object via some kind of augmented reality trickery.

Instead, what looks like a classic bouncing cube animation from the early days of computer graphics turns out to be a perfectly mundane real world object that just happens to have the power to mess with your mind.

Aren’t optical illusions kick-ass fun? Take this classic “black balls” illusion.


for those of you who don’t read captions, let me reiterate : the above picture is not animated in any way. All those little black balls you see blipping around the places where the lines intersect are not really there at all, and are entirely products of your sense being fooled by the graphical trick of the illusion.

Freaky, n’est-ce pas? IT can be fun to mess with your own mind.

The same goes for this pic :

No animation here either, sport!

Despite all appearances, those balls are not animated in any way, either. It looks like they are floating and bobbing in an ocean of green. But they are just sitting there. The motion you see as you scan the pic with your eyes is entirely in your mind.

Now that we’ve got your eyeballs all warmed up and ready for something truly spectacular, feast them on this amazing video clip from America’s Got Talent and a little dance clash performance group called Team iLuminate.

Now remember, this is all taking place live, on stage, in front of America and a studio audience. No CGI or anything. Just…. this.

Now that, my friends, is an act. I mean holy crapsticks. It is impressive enough in video. I can’t imagine what it is like live, happening right in front of you. They cook light and shadow, illumination and contrast, glow strips and black velvet, and made a simply breaktaking visual display out of it.

The act lags somewhat in the middle, but it is still damn impressive. The first time I watched this video and saw the Shiva arms pop up, my eyes nearly popped out of my head and bounced off the screen.

I am a big fan of spectacle for the sense if it is done right, like these folks do it, or like Blue Man Group. There’s nothing wrong at all with making something purely to look amazing. Not everything has to be a multi-layered meaning-laden narrative Dagwood sandwich.

Sometimes, you just want to make people’s eyes go “whoa…. WTF was that?”

And finally, a clip that probably will not amaze your mind, but it definitely will warm your heart and might just blow your mind as well.

This clip shows what a young make orca named Luna learned to do in his attempt to communicate with the strange creatures known as “humans”.

That’s right. In an attempt to communicate with us, Luna learned to mimic the sound of the motorboats that plied the waters around his home.

Does that not just grab your heart and blow your mind? He is trying to talk with us, so he is repeating back to us the sounds we make. The sincere and innocent desire to communicate coupled with the degree of intelligence and mental flexibility that it takes to be able to even imagine trying to communicate with us thusly, let alone actually being able to use his existing vocal apparatus to do a pretty good motorboat impression, just makes me feel like giving an orca a big hug.

Not a good idea, I presume. I can’t even swim.

I wonder what Luna thinks of his attempts? Presumably, without even meaning to, we humans make our motorboat noise right back to him, and so the most primitive form of communication has been established : that of mutual repetition.

You know, like these guys.

Trust me, it’s corny now, but that shit was quite exhilerating back in the seventies. Holy crap, the aliens have Moog synthesizers too! Awesome!

That’s all the neat stuff for now, people. Goodbye!

Not a great day.

I don’t know why, but I am feeling pretty depressed right now.

In this case, it’s the depression that comes in the form of a great heavy sadness of no identifiable origin. (Other forms of depression include the kind that comes as a feeling of constriction and frustration, and the kind that comes as a vast emotional nullity. )

I have felt it on and off all day, but it seems to be at its worst right now. I figure, I should probably document this in my blog, so that maybe later, I can track what things affect my mood and maybe cut down on these kinds of episodes.

Being a fairly ill person, there’s a number of possible culprits.

When I feel especially bad, I always think of low blood sugar first. There is absolutely nothing, in my opinion, to compare with the horrible cold deathly feeling of very low blood sugar, or the kind of depression that comes right before that state, where all stimulation hurts and the world seems hostile and you feel hostile right back.

But no, it’s not that. I just had a hearty pasta meal. My blood sugar should be on the way up, not down. Still, I will keep it in mind, because my appetite has been poor lately and hence I have been eating lighter meals than I should.

As I have mentioned before, there is nothing quite like trying to force yourself to eat when you know you should but have no appetite. The body is very insistent on not eating when it doesn’t feel like it. Usually, my last-ditch strategy is to eat an apple.

Apples are a friendly food. Can always eat an apple, or even half an apple. And if the problem is low blood sugar, usually that will get the blood sugar going up again and I will suddenly be incredibly hungry, and then I can eat.

But right now, we’re out of fruit, and fruit juice does not seem to have the same effect. Possibly because it lacks the substance of the fruit to slow down the absorption of the natural sugars of the fruit. I don’t know.

I’m not a dietician.

Or it could be a sleep thing. I have been having trouble sleeping today for some reason. I try to relax and go to sleep, but what sleep I get is very shallow and unrestful. I don’t know if that’s the cause of my problem of just another symptom, but it sure as fuck ain’t my idea of fun.

Or maybe it’s just random brain shit. I am a depressive, after all, and that mean bad chemicals are always lurking to make my own personal universe a shittier place.

To be a depressive is like being a rat in an inhumane experiment where the rat is given painful electric shocks at completely random intervals. At first, the rat runs around, frantically trying to figure out what it’s doing wrong so it can find a place of safety in its little cage. Maybe it looks for a pattern in the shocks… but there isn’t any.

So eventually it just lays there, defeated, getting shocked randomly and not able to do any damn thing about it.

Depressing though, I know. But that’s the way it is in my little cage.

Oh well, this too shall pass. I am in therapy now, and that is my lifeline of hope towards getting out of the deep dark hole I have been living in for most of my adult life.

And I am freaking 38 years old. Sigh.

But I am working on building a wall between my mood and my sense of reality. There is no need to draw any conclusions about the nature of myself, my life, and the universe simply from the fact I feel like shit right now. So what? It is just a meaningless chemical reaction of one form or another, as irrelevant to my sense of self as the temperature in Tokyo or the cube root of today’s closing NASDAQ.

This cloud will pass through the sky of my soul, and trying to fight it is futile. I can’t control the weather, inside or out.

All I can do is pop my umbrella and wait for the sun to come back out.

Might be a while, but it’s OK. I have snacks.

OK, not really. I don’t have snacks. I can’t afford snacks.

Hey, maybe that’s the real problem. I’m living on less than $8,0000 a year.

Turns out, that’s pretty fucking depressing.

Letter to a lucky, lucky person

After talking to you for several hours last night, I came to this conclusion :

You are a lucky, lucky person.

Oh, I know you don’t look at yourself that way, but I assure you, it is true!

I mean, take geography alone.

Here you are, a person living in a small farming town far from the city lights, someone who has never been more than 20 miles from home and who lives in the very house in which he grew up, and indeed was born, and yet you were easily able to assure me that not only was the town you live in the very best town in the very best region on the whole of God’s Green Earth, but that you lived in the nicest part of it with the best people and even the world’s best church bar none.

Imagine! Such luck, to be born in exactly the right place and have the very best of everything in the world right on your doorstep, literally and figuratively. That would be more than enough fortune for anyone!

But of course, your good luck is only beginning! In fact, compared to other factors, this extraordinary piece of luck of being born in, of all the places on the globe, the very very best one, pales into mere serendipity compared to others.

Your racial background, for instance. Through absolutely no effort of your own, you were born into the racial subgroup which just happens to be the clearly and widely acknowledged best one. You are no bigot, of course, and indeed are quite proud of the racial tolerance you have for other, inferior races, and you are quite sure that should a person of another racial makeup ever come to your time, you would treat them with every possible courtesy and respect for the entire time it took to see them on their way again.

That is mighty decent of you, to share your luck like that!

Or your gender. Granted, that was a mere toss of the coin, but still, Lucky Duck that you are, that one came down in your favour too. Yup, yours is the clearly superior gender, and you did not have to even budge one inch to get it.

All this good fortune just rains down on you like golden rain!

Even your profession is clearly the most important, prestigious, and worthy job in the world. I was truly touched by your sincere pity for those forced to labour in other, lesser fields because they were not blessed to be born with both a talent and a liking for the only job truly worth doing, amongst all the hundreds of professions in the world.

Imagine that! Of all the jobs in the world, you just happened to be good at the best one! Truly, nobody else has ever been as lucky as you!

Even your hobbies are, by sheer coincidence, the only truly interesting and illuminating ones in the world. By simply following your natural inclinations, you have spent hours and hours doing exactly the most worthwhile past-times in the whole world.

It’s a wonder other people even bother to try, with you in the world!

And of course, how could I forget your lovely family? The best spouse in the world with whom you have had not one, not two, but three of the absolute best children possible in the whole wide variety of the spectrum of humanity? It truly makes a person sad to think of all the rest of us mere mortals who have to sweat and toil and worry just to achieve a pale shadow of what Lady Luck gives you as a matter of course!

And of course, your politics. Even though you vote exactly how your parents always voted and never even given the slightest thought to the alternatives, you were nevertheless able to assure me, with rock-solid certainty, that your politics represent the only true, worthy, moral path for your country, your region, and your home town, and all others are but misguided mistakes at best and downright malign machinations at worst.

And do I even need to mention your religion? No, I didn’t think so.

So to recap : without having to do a thing, you have the best religion, job, family, politics, home, gender, and everything else in the world, purely by luck.

You are truly the luckiest person alive.

I mean seriously…. what are the odds?

Fooble the pleasure, fooble the fun!

It’s Fooble-mint, Fooble-mint, Fooble-mint gum!

For those of you who are not of Generation X, that is what is known as a reference.

Look it up in some kind of book.

Heya hiya howdy, folks, and welcome to that brief respite from sanity known as the Sunday Fooble Hours, brought to you courtesy of Foobco, the Fun Folks to Know. Remember kids, when you think of asparagus used in suggestive ways, think Foobco!

Then call your doctor.

You know what I love? Random acts of wonder. Things that people do just to add a little sparkle and mystery and magic to the lives of others. Anonymous, selfless, completely sincere acts of public wonderfulness.

Like the odd and mysterious paper sculptures showing up around Edinburgh.

I could be wrong about the motive, of course. Perhaps it’s not an act of public wonder but the inevitable byproduct of a brilliant but tortured orgamist’s all-consuming obsession, and what were are seeing are not works of art donated to the public consciousness but symptoms of a mind slowly coming apart.

But I prefer to think that this person wanted to share their hobby with the world, but in a way that would give people something to talk about and wonder about and that would make their days just a little brighter and more interesting.

Nothing harmful or destructive. Just a something a little different, to make this day unlike all the others. A gift.

Then again, sometimes these sort of things are motivated by a simple need to be heard on a subject of local interest. Say, a local eyesore that desperately needs to go away, so desperately that you are willing to get together with a bunch of friends and perform a simply breathtaking act of public art as commentary.

I am gobstruck with awe for the people who did that. It’s not just a marvelously elegant commentary that anyone seeing it can understand. It is a highly daring and presumably quite dangerous stunt that I am thinking required at least three people to pull off. So it took planning and coordination as well.

All to say “this ugly old thing has got to go”.

I have crazy mad respect for people who are that passionate in their desire to make a statement, and who do it in such a powerful and peaceful way.

After all, it’s not like they destroyed anything of value, nor did they make the ugly old dam any uglier. They just added a very simple comment that hurt nobody but made their point clearly and even somewhat humorously.

Then again, some people don’t need to make statements in order to be heard, because they are the butchest human being alive and other people will do all the telling for them.

Like this guy here.

Quick, someone call Stephen Colbert!

Kind of makes Davey Crockett look like a big fat pussy, doesn’t it?

Sure, he “got him a bar when he was only three”, but did he do it by taking it on bare-handed and ripping out its throat with his teeth?

I didn’t think so.

Animal lover that I am, I have no problem with people defending themselves. I don’t feel bad for the bear. We human beings are top predator for a reason. We are really fucking dangerous. If the animals leave us alone, we can be civilized.

But cross the line and attack us, and suddenly it’s all about the law of the jungle.

Is it just me, or have I completely failed to keep a light and jocular tone this week?

Oh well. Here’s some intensely nerdy humour to lighten the mood.

You remember high school algebra, right?

You see, it’s funny because the square root of negative one is an imaginary number because there can be no number that when multiplied by itself results in a negative number. Square a positive number, you get a positive number. Square a negative number, a negative number times a negative number is always positive, ergo, still a positive number.

So you can see, it can be mathematically demonstrated, without the possibility of error, that the above joke is completely hilarious.

If you still don’t find it funny, you must just hate math.

That’s all the stuff I have for you this week, all you fun people out there. Time to clean up, turn out the lights, lock the doors, and play a little wistfully sad piano music to signal the network that we are done for now.

Seeya next week folks!

But then, there was this crap

Blah blah blah, had something more clever in mind that just me whinging on about being super sleepy and the fucked up dreams I have been having, blah blah, there will be something better soon, and so on, etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

It’s been a decent few days. Last night, Felicity, our friend Amos, and I went out for dinner. Joe, sadly, is still battling the head cold (now a chest cold… lets hope that’s its final destination before it departs for good) that has kept him home from work and out of commission for the whole week, so he was not able to join the Friday night dinner as would be his usual habit. Get well and godspeed, Joe.

Normally, Joe, Felicity, Julian, and I go out to Denny’s on a Friday night. A lot of people badmouth Denny, but from what I can tell, it’s a great place, very relaxed and unpretentious and with good food at a decent price. Honestly, I think all the criticisms are nothing but snobbery. Denny’s is informal and unpretentious and cheerful, and the worst part is, it’s a place where a poor person might feel completely comfortable and relaxes, and so there must be a million things wrong with it. The food must be terrible, the service must be terrible, there musts be the ill-mannered offspring of ugly grubby poor people running around and screaming all the time. There just must be. Otherwise the cognitive dissonance to a middle class mind would be just too intense to bear.

And so all those mean things they say about Denny’s must be true, even if they aren’t. Especially if they aren’t. Being able to get good food, service, and atmosphere at a place where poor people would feel comfortable? Impossible. It simply can’t happen. You must be wrong. We know more about Denny’s from never, ever going there (or even thinking about it, for we are normal middle class people!) then you do from going there all the time.

I have seriously had that exact conversation with people. It is amazing how strong cultural assumptions can be and how deep beliefs about seemingly trivial things like restaurant choice can reach into the very roots of cultural identity.

Why, I would not be caught dead in a Denny’s! What if someone I know saw me there! What would they think of me? They might thing I was less successful than they are and that I might even be… I can barely bare to think it let alone type it…. that I might be poor, and hence lower than them socially!

I would rather die.

Anyhow, so Felicity, Amos, and I headed to Denny’s, only to find the place absolutely packed. I have never seen the place that busy. It reminded me somewhat uncomfortably of the cafeteria at lunch time in high school.

One of our favorite waitresses, a bundle of energy and personality in a small package named Cathy, informed us that due to some kind of airline strike, the place was full of people getting a free meal from the airlines via some kind of meal ticket, and she couldn’t tell us whether we would get a table at all. “Might be two hours!” she said.

Poor dear, she was run off her feet. We ate elsewhere.

In fact, we ended up at Agitaro, a pretty decent sushi place. After 9:30, you can get all-you-can-eat for just $14, and the quality is quite decent. Not top shelf like the cuisine at Richmond Sushi, a half dozen blocks away, but excellent for the price.

And it scratched my sushi itch, which needs scratching every couple of months or so. I am not sure why. Perhaps I suffer from a mild wasabi deficiency.

I do really love those wasabi peas. Nom.

Ate too much, of course, and of the wrong things, of course. It’s sad that even when eating a potentially very healthy cuisine, I still end up eating tasty fried things like spring rolls and gyoza.

I am but a slave to my primate food fathering instincts that say “Salt is good and rare, eat the salty things! Fat is concentrated calories and rare, eat the fatty thing! And sweet means dietarily accessible calories, eat the sweet thing!”

I wonder if all sentient species have to o through a period where they must survive the effects of technology making all their cravings easily gratified?

“I swear, Gorbo, this is my sachet of flavored silica. I’m getting so fat!”

Talk at ya later people.

Friday Science Roundup, September 23, 2011

Today comes at the end of one hell of a week for mind-bending (and mind-reading!) science. I have had a hell of a time narrowing the field down to only the most neuron-tingling ganglion-tickling future-tastic stories for your edification and stimulation this week.

I mean, take this story about the latest development in the field of rapid prototyping or 3D printing : assault rifle parts, and a freaking Stradivarius!

We will deal with the Strad first. Yes, it happened. Some people took a super precise scan of a genuine Stradivarius violin, the greatest violins ever made, and then someone else printed it out and gave it a try.

How did it sound? You be the judge.

I love the setting. Music in a meadow. Lovely.

As for the sound, it sounds fine to me, but then again what do I know? But nobody is claiming it’s just like the real thing. For one thing, it’s made of industrial plastics, not wood and varnish and so on. It is more the idea of it that is important, the idea that some day, rare and precious objects might well be only a few mouse clicks away.

And also rare and dangerous things. An assault rifle is a highly precise machine, and yet people are taking them apart and scanning parts of them and putting them up on the Internet. We’re far from being able to print our own AK-47s (where would the cordite come from, for one) but the real issue is that the precisely machined, painstakingly designed parts of a modern assault rifle represent thousands of man-hours and millions of dollars of research and development, and a future in which anyone can get that for free from the Net is a very different kind of future indeed.

Or how about this? Some highly clever people have come up with a highly promising design for a perpetual hydrogen fuel cell that requires only salt water and fresh water to keep on making hydrogen microbially potentially forever.

I am still not entirely sold on the idea of a hydrogen future, but something like this could certainly make it more of a possibility. The technical details are neat but complicated, but all you need to know is that as long as you have salt water in one side and fresh water in the other, the salinity difference between the two gives the setup the extra juice it needs to keep the microbes happily eating waste and farting out hydrogen.

Yes…. the future may be powered by germ farts. Deal with it.

But neither of those can hold a metaphorical candle, or a real one for that matter (news stories have no hands), to this freaky bit of brain science : the first glimpse into a machine than can actually read your mind and display what you are seeing on a TV screen.

Holy Sixties Science Fiction, man.

Because this is the first good result, the images produced don’t look a whole lot like what the person is actually seeing, but they look enough like it to give anyone the willies.

Check this shit out, kiddies :

Clearly, while nobody would want to watch the reconstruction, it’s only a matter of refining the process before you are getting clearly recognizable images from inside someone’s brain.

This is the sort of science that both blows my mind and scares the shit out of me.

On the positive side, I imagine a future where someone (maybe even someone like little old me) could make a whole movie simply by imagining the images in their mind. And if they can do images, would sound be far behind?

On the negative side, reading someone’s mind is the ultimate violation of privacy imaginable. Even in the most repressive fascist states, despite all their efforts, they could not control what went on inside someone’s mind. In your mind, you were free.

In the future, maybe, not so much.

But as thrilling as that is, for sheer wondrous WTF-ness, nothing beats the big news out of CERN that recent routine neutrino experiments seem to show neutrons moving faster than the speed of light.

Gee, Mister Einstein, isn’t that impossible?

Admittedly, this story is a few days old now, and by now, they might well have figured that it was all a case of human error, instrument malfunction, or something else that is completely mundane and stupid and absolutely no fun whatsoever.

But I am hoping against hope that this is totally real and we have just broken one of the biggest rules in physics and a whole new theory will be needed to account for this, because I am the sort of person who is absolutely thrilled by the discovery of the unknown and the moments when we, as a curious species, are forced to go “What the fuh…. this makes no sense at all!” and throw our hands in the air and admit we don’t know everything.

Plus hey, if neutrons can go faster than light, maybe we can too, and what kind of science fiction guy would I be if I was not super excited at the prospect of real, actual FTL?

But mostly, I just love the edges of knowledge, and am thrilled by the discovery of big, fat, juicy mysteries that reveal the majesty and wonder of the universe, and remind us that we are but children in this big complicated universe.

Dark matter. Dark energy. The universe’s expansion speeding up. And now neutrons moving faster than the speed of light.

The whole thing makes me downright giddy. It makes me want to laugh and laugh and shout “We don’t know anything! Isn’t it wonderful?”

I imagine others would be more angered or disturbed by this sort of thing. But for a thinker like me, it is the most marvelous thing in the world : a genuine mystery.

Ain’t science neat?

Another drop of relief

Having finally finished that damned story with Robolord and Eldrycht, and not having any red hot ideas for stories burning up my cerebellum just yet, I figured it was time to give myself a break and do a chatty blog entry about my so-called “so-called” life.

Had my third therapist’s appointment today. Doctor Costan continues to be the right sort of therapist for me. He asks the intelligent questions that keep me spooling out my guts, so to speak, and lead me to look at things differently and think and feel differently than my usual complex but self-contained brainscape.

That’s pretty much what I am looking for.

He began the session by bidding me to just start talking, something for which I was not at all prepared, but probably did me some good. After all, passivity is one of my major problems, and so having to initiate things with no warning was probably a good exercise in learning to start things myself.

But the thing I had been dreading since this therapy started, but I knew was impossible to avoid, and so I had to just grit my teeth and jump in.

I had to try to explain furry fandom to him.

And social stigma and general weirdness of the subject matter aside, it is just plain a damned complicated and tricky thing to try to explain to anybody who is not a part of it, let alone a person of a previous generation that has heard a lot about the Internet, but has never used it themselves.

The explanation ended up being so complex and intricate, in fact, that I am going to have to continue it when I saw him again Monday morning. Part 2 of a who knows how many part series in which I explain the bizarre semi-imaginary world in which I lived and in which I have lived for the last fifteen years.

If you don’t know what furry fandom is, I am sorry, but I sure as hell am not going to be able to get across to you in this blog entry. Look it up, and be prepared for a lot of sex.

We’re just like that. We’re a highly liberated, sex-positive, open kind of fandom, and that is something mainstream society, or even mainstream Internet society, is just not prepared to handle, and hence, we attract mockers and shockers and other cultural jetsam.

The flotsam is too busy watching Fox to worry about us foxes.

Health wise, it has been a somewhat rough couple of days. I keep getting this sort of deep down ache in my muscles and joints, a sort of burning feeling from deep inside the tissue, and it makes my joints very tanse and cramped feeling. Plus, I have a sinus headache that is making me feel like my teeth are in too tight.

Add in the usual treacherously unpredictable sleepiness and insomnia, and you have a bodily health period marked by intense and prolonged suckage. Hope that shit ends soon.

To a certain extent, exercise provides some relief from the cramped, too-tight feeling. So i have been doing push-ups and arm curls purely for pain relief.

If this is my body’s draconian measure to get me to exercise by making it less painful than the alternative, then bravo, you bastard, it’s working.

But remember, I know where you sleep.

And speaking of sleep, been having some weird kinda dreams lately, the kind that make me say “Holy shit…. that was fucked up!” when I recall them upon waking.

The latest one featured me, I swear to god this is true, creating a copy of myself. I don’t remember why or how, but I do remember it was part of some clever plan of mine to thwart some enemy I had in the dream. But somehow, I had got it into my head that my duplicate would simply fade away when my plan was complete, with no complications.

Nope. And so there was this duplicate version of myself roaming around, and I became increasingly worried that it was “out to get me”. (Talk about self-loathing!)

And I kept saying to people “The problem is that I am very, very sneaky… “, thus making me a dangerous opponent, I suppose.

Then at some point I was confronting my other self, and I said “Maybe you are all the evil in me, and what person hasn’t dreamed of killing all the evil inside them?”

Pretty messed up, but damned interesting too. More so than the usual lost in a weird mall kind of bullshit that I dream.

Well, that’s it from me, folkses. Later!@

We should talk!

Bonus points to you, dear and gentle reader, if you think of Joan Rivers when you read the title of today’s missive.

My original plan had been to finally finish off that long conversation between Robolord and Eldrycht today, but I have a splitting headache from lack of sleep (how many hours a day can you play a game before it is officially an addiction?) and the neighborhood exploding into noise all afternoon (oh great, the Extremely Noisy Construction is back) and so I think I will leave the delicate work of constructing prose til tomorrow, when I hopefully will have gotten some more sleep and perhaps an entire change of skull and better be able to shepherd their little talk to a satisfying conclusion.

I already know how it’s all going to end, I just lack the mental wherewithal to take them there at this point.

That one, and the previous story, with the two soldiers talking about planned genocide, have basically been conversations. There’s a lot of detail in the conversations, and a lot of implied science fiction, but there’s pretty much just dialogues. They could almost be radio plays for how low on description and detail outside the dialogue they are.

And I am cool with that. I think.

I don’t know, I guess us sensitive artist types are always doubting themselves and wondering about the path not taken. I worry that people want more physical detail. They want to know what the characters looks like, what color their weapons are, where they are in relation to each other while they talk. And the lack of said will frustrate them.

But I am heavily biased in the other direction, and I am not alone. I have noticed that Heinlein himself, otherwise know as The Master to us mere mortals, will do huge chunks of book entirely in dialogue. He establishes the necessary details early on, and includes pieces of detail when absolutely necessary, but for the most part, he keeps the action moving quickly by leaving the descriptive paragraphs out and keeping things stripped down and focused on the talking.

And inner monologue too, of course, like the big bits of Eldrycht’s inner life we get in the current (as yet not properly titled) story. Dialogue and inner thoughts are basically the parts of the story I find most interesting, and to me, it really doesn’t matter what color someone’s hair is or whether they dress to the left. It’s all about the mind and the hearts and the souls of the people involved, even in science fiction.

And hey, I can’t go wrong doing it the Heinlein way, right?

But if an editor decided my stories were a tad light in the descriptive arts, I would not mind slipping a few paragraphs in here or there to make the editor happy. I don’t hate description or have a fierce philosophical opposition to it or anything.

It’s just not the interesting bit to me, and I want my stories to be as close to one hundred percent awesome as I possibly can make them.

Otherwise, life has been pleasantly routine lately, other than the increasingly huge chunks of time playing Dungeon Fighter Online is taking out of my life.

On that front, a sad but important bit of personal progress : I joined a guild in the game. Me, the non-joiner extraordinaire, actually signed up for a collective organization I do not control which puts me in with a bunch of other people I don’t know and forces me to be that much less of the socially guarded loner I tend to be.

Well, forces is too strong a word. I don’t have to do anything as part of the guild. But I have been having fun participating in the guild chat, and I have met some really nice people who have helped me a lot with some really tough part of the games.

Yes, I not only “joined” and chatted with people I don’t know (normal people even, not nerds and/or furries), I asked for and accepted help!

It is truly tragic that this represents serious social and psychological progress for me. Figures that my personal growth would come through a nice, safe, controllable online video game instead of the real world.

Still not good at that real world thing. But my internet life is healthier!

Quick, throw a parade.

Oh well, baby steps. Have to keep reminding myself that I am a very ill man and I should not judge myself by the standards of healthy people.

You know… normal people.

Talk at ya later, folks.

A foob for all seasons

Here it is, another foobtastic Sunday, and under a light gray sky, a herd of brand new foobs comes thundering over the horizon! Lo, from the majestic plains of Foobstar Fells to the gently rolling hills of the Fertile Fooblands stretches a grand and ragged line of Fantastical Funny Friendly Foobs, each one holding the tail of the one in front and having its own tail held by the one behind, and at the front of the herd, tendril flanges proudly a-flapping in the breeze, stands the might and majestic Alpha Foob, and her haram of eighty husbands close (but not too close) behind.

God, I wish Marlin Perkins were alive to film it.

And speaking, as we nearly were, of our friends in the animal kingdom, we have a few fun and frolicsome animal clips to share with you today, gentle readers (and a few of you crusty old farts too). Like this one, which illustrates the comedic potential of a dog’s complete and total lack of self-awareness or irony.

Are those some adorable LOLs or what? A sweet and innocent little doggie plus a little help from our friend Mister Static Electricity and voila, laughs galore. The sight of his pretty white fur poofing out and turning him into a living three dimensional asterisk is funny enough, but combined with his completely innocent and clueless expression (because, after all, he has no idea anything is happening besides everyone paying attention to him for some reason after he gets extra pets) is total comedy gold. Damn near everything with nominal brain function will find that charming and hilarious.

I bet everyone who visits that household gets to see that little trick if they are around for long enough and are making a good impression.

As pet tricks go, it’s a winner.

Sticking with our friendly friends of the canine persuasion, you will be happy to know that recent advances in subtitling technology have allowed us to finally understand what our pets are saying to us, or in this case, one another.

Warning, there’s a lot of doggy noises like barking and howling in this one, so you might wanna turn it down if you have sensitive nerves or cats or both.

The clip is both cute and funny, but a lot more cute than funny, admittedly. The dogs (I think they are Malamutes) are gorgeous and cute as hell, and that is mostly what carries it, although the “dialogue” is funny in parts. Needs an ending though, something to send it off with a punchline or at least a finale.

Perhaps the dog who wants to play calling the other “bitch”. Corny, but what the hell.

It really does seem like they are trying to literally talk to one another, doesn’t it? Because they are not just barking and it’s not quite howling either. It’s “ah-woo-woo-wooing”, for lack of an official term. I imagine living with it is a tad hard on the nerves, but it is interesting to hear for a short clip.

And last on today’s foob parade, we have this little slice of comedy about the weird world in which we live, and how strangely different it is from the far stranger world in which television ads seem to exist.

Having one person in the ad react like a normal person would if their friend suddenly began talking to nobody about some drug is hardly a fresh and original concept. I have seen it done as far back as Uncle Milty, and that’s a long time.

Still, I thought they did a pretty good take on the whole drug commercial thing, and so I decided it was worth sharing. Plus, they keep the madness going fairly well. I like the idea of drug commercial psychosis.

Side effects of reading today’s blog entry may (but shouldn’t) include lightheadedness, drowsiness, feelings of mirth, irritable bowel texts, darkness around the perineum, superego, friendly fire, temporary loss of inhibitions, running off at the mouth like that bitch of a wife my boss has got, unemployment, depression, revelation, and no longer giving the tiniest of fucks about anything.

If these or another other symptoms of absolutely any kind, including imaginary, psychosomatic, or physically impossible, please consult your physician, nurse-practioner, or whoever else you let stick thing in you while you’re naked.

Ask them whether Foobatrex is right for you, or whether it might just be a sex thing.

That’s all for this week, foob fans. Remember, if the women don’t find you handsome, try men. You never know!