A foob for all seasons

Here it is, another foobtastic Sunday, and under a light gray sky, a herd of brand new foobs comes thundering over the horizon! Lo, from the majestic plains of Foobstar Fells to the gently rolling hills of the Fertile Fooblands stretches a grand and ragged line of Fantastical Funny Friendly Foobs, each one holding the tail of the one in front and having its own tail held by the one behind, and at the front of the herd, tendril flanges proudly a-flapping in the breeze, stands the might and majestic Alpha Foob, and her haram of eighty husbands close (but not too close) behind.

God, I wish Marlin Perkins were alive to film it.

And speaking, as we nearly were, of our friends in the animal kingdom, we have a few fun and frolicsome animal clips to share with you today, gentle readers (and a few of you crusty old farts too). Like this one, which illustrates the comedic potential of a dog’s complete and total lack of self-awareness or irony.

Are those some adorable LOLs or what? A sweet and innocent little doggie plus a little help from our friend Mister Static Electricity and voila, laughs galore. The sight of his pretty white fur poofing out and turning him into a living three dimensional asterisk is funny enough, but combined with his completely innocent and clueless expression (because, after all, he has no idea anything is happening besides everyone paying attention to him for some reason after he gets extra pets) is total comedy gold. Damn near everything with nominal brain function will find that charming and hilarious.

I bet everyone who visits that household gets to see that little trick if they are around for long enough and are making a good impression.

As pet tricks go, it’s a winner.

Sticking with our friendly friends of the canine persuasion, you will be happy to know that recent advances in subtitling technology have allowed us to finally understand what our pets are saying to us, or in this case, one another.

Warning, there’s a lot of doggy noises like barking and howling in this one, so you might wanna turn it down if you have sensitive nerves or cats or both.

The clip is both cute and funny, but a lot more cute than funny, admittedly. The dogs (I think they are Malamutes) are gorgeous and cute as hell, and that is mostly what carries it, although the “dialogue” is funny in parts. Needs an ending though, something to send it off with a punchline or at least a finale.

Perhaps the dog who wants to play calling the other “bitch”. Corny, but what the hell.

It really does seem like they are trying to literally talk to one another, doesn’t it? Because they are not just barking and it’s not quite howling either. It’s “ah-woo-woo-wooing”, for lack of an official term. I imagine living with it is a tad hard on the nerves, but it is interesting to hear for a short clip.

And last on today’s foob parade, we have this little slice of comedy about the weird world in which we live, and how strangely different it is from the far stranger world in which television ads seem to exist.

Having one person in the ad react like a normal person would if their friend suddenly began talking to nobody about some drug is hardly a fresh and original concept. I have seen it done as far back as Uncle Milty, and that’s a long time.

Still, I thought they did a pretty good take on the whole drug commercial thing, and so I decided it was worth sharing. Plus, they keep the madness going fairly well. I like the idea of drug commercial psychosis.

Side effects of reading today’s blog entry may (but shouldn’t) include lightheadedness, drowsiness, feelings of mirth, irritable bowel texts, darkness around the perineum, superego, friendly fire, temporary loss of inhibitions, running off at the mouth like that bitch of a wife my boss has got, unemployment, depression, revelation, and no longer giving the tiniest of fucks about anything.

If these or another other symptoms of absolutely any kind, including imaginary, psychosomatic, or physically impossible, please consult your physician, nurse-practioner, or whoever else you let stick thing in you while you’re naked.

Ask them whether Foobatrex is right for you, or whether it might just be a sex thing.

That’s all for this week, foob fans. Remember, if the women don’t find you handsome, try men. You never know!