Going the other way

Well, this should be interesting. I really don’t feel like writing right now. My current mental state does not want to be pegged down and made the speak. I am experiencing a pleasant, almost whimsical state of mind, and the zephyrs and chinooks of my inner realm tug playfully at my clothes, and point my heart at the sky.

But I gotta blog. So, here we go!

I know, I will share some media with you, at least until I think of something more to say.

I love this lady SO DAMNED MUCH.

She is most definitely my kind of nut. Finding a cool piece of clothing at a thrift shop is something anyone can do. A lot of people these days would also make a video talking about it.

But not very many people would turn the whole thing into a hilarious bit of weird crazy music and record themselves dancing and prancing around like a lunatic. That takes the kind of wacky mania that I really cherish in people, and the whole thing reminds me of something my sister Catherine would do in one of her moments of zaniness.

When I look back on it, I really do come from a family of funny, nutty, strange people. Even my father had his moments, rare but always amazing. I remember walking through Halifax on a very unpleasant rainy, blustery day with him when he looked at me and said, “This is the kind of day where I want to lash myself to the mast of a ship and yell ‘Thor!”.

Which is quite the image, really. And there’s days when I have felt like that too. Where even a milquetoast like me, when forced to deal with nasty weather, wants to scream at the sky. “Is that all you can do? Well fuck you! I’m a survivor!”

Hey, I never said I was sane.

Then there is this marvelous experiment :

Like I said on Facebook, it’s nice to know that our food is as weird to them as theirs is to us. That there is not some imbalance in the relative weirdness levels that means their food is truly weirder than ours.

It’s all about what you grow up with.

I love their reaction to goldfish crackers a la Pepperidge Farm. Because there is no way to explain that. Why are they shaped like goldfish? Because they are. Because someone made them that way, and it caught on. Because it’s cute. Because if you put them in your soup, you can pretend you are EATING THE OCEAN.

I was surprised at their reaction to Pop Tarts. They kept going on about how artificial they taste. And sure, that’s true. But they have cheap pastries in Korea, don’t they? And toasters?

One girl says it “tastes like a toy”. I assume it’s been a while since she’s eaten a toy.

The chocolate covered Rice Crispy treat went over really well. Like one of the girls says, who could hate this? Personally, I find the store-bought Rice Crispy treats to taste artificial, stale, bland, and like air. But I have a basis for comparison and I am very particular about some foods.

It’s not like they are awful, or anything.

Salt and Vinegar chips? Okay, that’s just not fair. I am pretty sure in Asia, vinegar is something used to preserve food, not a flavouring. That just seems like a crazy ass thing to throw at them.

Then again, when we do these kinds of experiments on ourselves, it’s stuff like natto and fertilized chicken eggs, so I guess fair is fair.

“Like someone is punching my tongue. ” I can’t argue with that, and I actually like those kind of chips.

Their reaction to Twizzlers completely surprised me. That did not strike me as a challenging food, certainly not compared to the other stuff. But they hated them! The texture really threw them off. Like eating rubber, they said. I guess Korean cuisine does not have anything with that particular consistency.

Now I feel sort of weird about all the Twizzlers I have eaten. Imagine if they had been given the black licorice ones! Black licorice tastes awful to like, a third to a half of the popular here. I can’t imagine what it would taste like to them.

Ah, my beloved Cheezits. A go-to source for satisfying my craving for ridiculously over the top cheese flavour. They are the sort of thing you have to be a certain sort of person to really get into. I am kind of surprised any of them liked it. I thought it would be just too weird for them.

I mean, do Koreans eat a lot of cheese?

And then finally, Warheads, the extremely sour edition, something deliberately made to be crazy sour even by the standards of people familiar with the concept of sour candy. That, I think, was just plain cruel.

What else…. oh yeah, there’s this image!

Where does he keep his ATM card? And how does he type his PIN?

Where does he keep his ATM card? And how does he type his PIN?

Is that the cutest thing ever, or what? It’s like he’s people! And I love that he has a sort of earnest look on his face, like he’s hoping the people in front of him don’t have to do anything complicated because he has a bunch more errands to run.

Speaking of which, I waited a long time in line at Money Mart last night because the lady in front of me was like a perfect storm of the kinds of people you don’t want to be behind. She was :

1. Old. At least seventy.
2. Easily confused. Comes with the territory.
3. Doing something very complicated. Some kind of timed wire transfer of funds. And finally,
4. English was clearly not her first language.

And so every step of the transaction had to be explained and re-explained over and over again till she understood it, and that made the whole process excruciating.

But hey, better to be behind her in line than behind the glass dealing with her myself.

Well, that’s it for me today. I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

On The Road : Cha Ching Edition

You can probably deduce what has transpired. I have cashed La Cheque, and I am sitting in my local White Spot, eating and very slowly virtual keyboard typing to you nice folks. My food arrived like right away so I am more into eating than typing right now, but I feel like writing something while I am here is a tradition now, so I thought I would like to say hi to you nice folks while I am here.

Hi nice people!

I got out of my usual gravity well of depressive ennui via the booster rocket known as Joe. I was feeling deeply conflicted, caught between going out and staying in, when, in a moment of desperate inspiration, I remembered that Joe and Julian go to Joe’s parents’ place Saturday nights, so I asked Joe to drop me off at Money Msrt when they went

And the rest is history, or rather, mystory.

I ordered more fries, and now I am bored with fries, and I have many fries left. Fries.

Been feeling sorta crappy. I think I am somewhat dehydrated. Food tastes weird and dry, and my craving for salty stuff makes it all taste bland, too. And my appetite is Kaput. Hopefully, this episode in the Great Outside will help.

More times than not, it does.

Haven’t baked yet. Did two choco-mint cakes last night. To be honest, I feel like I am running low on inspiration on that score. Need new recipes!

Luckily, even when artistic inspiration lags, the desire for dessert does not.

And I don’t want baking to be another hobby where I go at it full steam for a while then run out of gas. I have a lot of those and it bothers me.

Well, time to pay the bill and skedaddle. See you when I get home!

Home now. I don’t know why looking around my life as seeing abandoned hobbies bothers me. I guess it makes me feel like I can’t stick with anything. And I miss the fun and excitement I got from the hobbies when they were fresh and new to me, and part of me thinks I should be able to just pick the hobby back up and have just as much fun again.

But for some reason, it doesn’t work that way with me. When I am done, I am done, and that’s it. All attempts to go back to the way things were before I got sick of it are futile. The best thing I can hope for is that I will come up with a fresh angle on he old hobby and get back to it that way.

Realistically, there is nothing wrong with going through a bunch of hobbies till you find the one that never grows old. Or for that matter, there’s nothing wrong with just trying new things periodically for the rest of your life. All that matters is that you are happy. So do what it takes to stay happy.

I guess I just can’t stand the feeling of something good and valuable slipping through my fingers for what seems like no reason. I have gone through such periods of hopeless drifting and joyless subsistence that when I find something that actually inspires me and draws me in, I want that to last forever. I find the idea that something can be fun and cool and life-affirming one day, and boring and pointless and uninspiring the next, inherently offensive. What happened? It was fine yesterday! What changed?

What changed, obviously, was me. I ran out of inspiration, and when you are talking about a solo hobby with no extrinsic reward or motivation, when the intrinsic motivation fails, that’s the end of the show. Curtains down, house lights up.

Clearly, the wise thing to do would be to just accept that this is life in my world and the world is full of awesome stuff to try and do and have fun with for a while so it’s not like I am going to run out. I don’t have to treat each hobby like a precious resource I have to hoard and ration or I will run out too soon.

Which is how I treat pretty much everything, really, which is a whole bag of snakes all by itself.

I am also afraid of seemingly flighty. I strongly dislike flighty, frivolous, irresponsible people who bounce heedlessly through life with no regard for the damage they leave behind, and so I definitely don’t want people to think I am one of those, let alone actually be one of those.

But once again, I am making things out to be more binary than they are. There’s a lot of room between “total flake” and “driven to master anything they start”. If I just decided I was done with baking for now, it would not be some sort of war crime.

Although I would miss the desserts. I need sweet things in my life. You know, that whole pleasure means reward means you are a good person and should be happy thing. I lost track of that recently when I had my financial worries and got all weird about money again, but I am hopefully out of the woods now and can go back to slowly and gently learning the fine are of making myself happy for a change.

It’s very hard to learn to search for joy when you have been trapped in the inward spiral for as long as I have been. Just falling and falling ever deeper into yourself in your mad and thoughtless flight from the real world.

The emotional isolation comes first. The social isolation comes second. The physical isolation comes third.

there is a whole big bright beautiful world filled with joy and pleasure and bliss out there, waiting for me to go find it. And I am not going to get it just letting the days go by in my lonesome grotto.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.