People these days

(I’m trying out a different kind of authorial voice tonight. Hope you enjoy it).

Holy fuck, are people spoiled these days.

And it’s all because we’ve lost all sense of duty. You ask the average citizen what they owe society for all it provides for them and all they will be able to think of is “taxes”… and they bitch about those, too. Like they expect everything to be done by magic or something. Like the government only taxes people because they are mean and like to take people’s money just for fun.

Like there’s no connection between taxes and our standard of living, which, by the way, is the highest the world has ever known and keeps getting higher every year.

What a bunch of crybabies. Whining about doing the one and only thing they think society expects of them… and they don’t even have to do anything! The money’s taken straight off their check. Paying taxes literally could not be any easier. But still, they bitch and whine and kick their feet and act like Satan’s got them by the short and curlies just because they have less money than if angels did all the work for us… and paid the bills too.

Where the fuck do these people think it all comes from? Fire, police, army, hospitals, roads, clean air and water, safe products, banks that run, stock markets that work, water that comes out of the faucet practically for free, electricity that runs everything and is sold at cost, public transit, cars that don’t explode…. and those are just the things I can name off the top of my head. Every goddamned thing you do has been enabled and/or protected by the government, and you don’t get all that for free.

But no. These little milquetoasts act like asking them to pay taxes is like slavery.

Lemme tell ya, pal, there’s people living in slavery in the world right now who would beg to differ.

And when you ask these peckerheads where they think all the government services should come from if not by taxes, all they can do is whimper “The free market! The free market!”.

And that’s total bullshit, which they would realize if they would just pull their heads out of their asses for a minute and think. If the free market could provide it all, it would have done so ages ago and the government never would have gotten involved in the first place. Name any government service and there was a time before it for the free market to work its fairy magic and make everything wonderful, and it didn’t, so the people decided the government should do it, and it did.

I blame education myself. Shit started seriously sliding downhill when they got rid of civics class. Kids these days have nobody to tell them that they are citizens, that they live in a society, that society both provides things for you and expects things from you. No, they grow up thinking that the way the world works around them is a fact of nature, like gravity or air, and why should they have to pay for that?

Sometimes I think there should be one day a year where all the layers of government shut down for the day so people can get a good feel for what life would be like without it. Maybe then they will realize that all they get from society would be cheap at twice the price of what they pay in taxes.

These overgrown toddlers are always complaining that their taxes are “too high”. Compared to what? How much would be enough? Do you even know what tax rate you are paying? Do you know how it compares to other modern countries? For all you know, you’re paying the lowest taxes in the world. But you don’t know, because that’s not really what it’s about, is it?

You just want more money and you don’t give it a shit what it costs you, or everyone else for that matter. You have a child’s faith that you could have a bigger allowance if only mommy and daddy didn’t spend so much on heat, rent, food, clothes…. you know, all the stuff that isn’t about you specifically and that you think will still be there no matter what.

Mommy and Daddy should just give you everything you want forever no matter what it costs or what they want themselves, and if they don’t, well they’re just mean.

Well I got news for ya, Moonbeam. This is the real world, and in the real world, things cost money. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and for everything you get, someone has to pay the bill. And if you think you’re extra special and the moon shines out your ass, you are sadly mistaken.

You have to pay the bill just like everyone else, and the fact that you can’t (or won’t) see that just shows how selfish and immature you really are. Grow the fuck up, quit whining about having to pay what everybody else pays, and go back to work. Nobody is going to pay your taxes for you, and so you will just have to learn to get by with the same amount of your money everyone else does.

I mean, what the fuck happened to maturity? What happened to growing up, realizing the world doesn’t revolve around you, and lining up to pitch in? How is it that we have people in this country whom we allow to marry, buy houses, raise families, and vote, yet don’t understand how the world works?

And why in the world does anyone listen to these spoiled brats? People act like the entire idea of taxes is some kind of evil plot. But for all you know, you’d be happier with higher taxes if it paid for something that is useful to you, like free childcare, or total prescription medicine coverage.

I’m telling you, things are going all to hell because of these people. We have to take our country back from these losers.

If we don’t, they’re like to hold their breath until we all turn blue.

That’s my say, and I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.