A pain in the ass

And not the kind that leads to something fun.

For some reason, sitting in front of this a-here computer has started to cause me a lot of pain in the literal ass.

It makes my butt hurt, in other words.

Naturally, this is a serious problem because sitting in front of this computer is kind of what I do all day (that, and lying in bed using the tablet) , ergo and therefore having this pain in my dirriere puts a rather severe crimp in my lifestyle.

Such as it is.

I mean, not only does it severely limit how long I can stay on the computer, it’s kind of hard to concentrate on the game I am playing when my butt feels like a hungry bear is trying to tear it off of me.

Again, not in a way that leads to fun.

Leaning forward helps some because it takes some of the weight off my poor abused tuckus and onto my equally hard done by legs.

And I still have the inflateable donut shaped support thingy that Joe bought for me the last time I had this problem.

Because this has happened before. And I have no idea what I did to make it go away for all the years in between then and now.

But what I really want to know is, what the hell changed? What made me go from being able to sit comfortably to feeling like my hips suddenly decided to carve through my gluteus maximus (and my gluteus is VERY maximus) and make contact with the chair directly, cutting out the middleman?

I mean, I haven’t injured myself lately. I have taken no falls and had no big weird infections and I sleep on my front or side so there is no chance I “slept on it funny”.

As for a more intimate kind of butthurt, in that case thee pain would be, shall we say, more centrally located.

In my butthole!

Besides, its main malady is malnourishment.

So I have no idea what the fuck could have gone wrong four or five days ago to cause this thing to rear (pun intended) its ugly head.

I guess my body doesn’t need a reason to fuck up. Especially if it has anything to do with my muscles. My as yet unknown condition can strike anywhere.

Other than the donut (the only kind I can have, sadly), I am not sure what I can do about this problem. I could try putting a pillow between me and my chair but I have found in the past that this leads to me having back pain from typing and using the mouse at a weird angle.

I could take it to the doctor, of course. I will do that if it keeps hanging on. The pain has been around for three or four days now so another couple of days of trouble with my big pink bum and I will decide it’s here to say and take it to Doctor Chao.

No way I am going to take this to the ER or urgent care. Not only is it not all that urgent (yet), but I don’t want to tell strangers they need to look at my butt.

I mean, I am sure everyone would be all professional about it, but it would still be embarrassing. And potentially arousing, depending on the doctor, which would itself be pretty damned embarrassing.

“Um, ignore that, doc. He’s just… happy to be here. ”

Hopefully, like so many other bits of mdical weirdness, it will vanish as swiftly and inexplicably as it appeared.

And I will resume my life of being terminally online.

More after the break.

The eyes have it

Well, mine don’t.

I’ve needed to talk about this for days and days now but I kept putting it off out of denial about what was going on and the fear attached to it.

But the truth is, my eyesight has gotten worse recently. I am having one hell of a time reading text on screens, which is kind of a big deal.

Especially when, as I hace been doing lately, I am reading comics online. I have been going through another phase of reading gay furry smut comics and it is getting hard for me to read the text balloons.

Luckily I remembered that I installed a magnifier doohickey in my Chrome a long time ago so I can magnify things now.

But that’s a stopgap solution at best and I clearly need to get my eyes in front of an optometrist ASAP so I can get a stronger prescription for my glasses and mybe actually get to see properly again.

That would be nice. Even before the recent worsening, I was stuck with glasses that made me farsighted because when Doctor Vaezi asked me how far away from the screen I sit, I guessed wrong, so mosf of the time I don’t wear the damned things.

Would be nice to be a full time glasses wearer who can actually see stuff properly again. like I have been for most of my life.

I was in denial about it because I had to wade through a whole lot of panicked thinking along the lines of, “oh god, this is it, I’m going blind! ” before I could finally make it to the saner solid ground of, “No, I am just overdue for new glasses. ”

I am beginning to understand that there will be times when the panic cannot be avoided and my best bet is to simply keep on slogging my way through it till it’s over

Obviously, I’d rather avoid the panic entirely. But it happens too fast. By the time I realize there’s a problem, it’s too late, the adrenaline and cortisol are coursing through my veins and now I have to deal with it.

So then what? I figure that, just as I learned to accept that I am a worrier by nature so there is no point in trying not to worry, I think I need to learn to accept that I am a high strung intellectual artistic type who is excitable and effusive and not nearly as introverted as I once thought, and that comes with a certain degree of panic.

So why try to fight it?

Let the freakout happen, then pick up the pieces after.

I’ll be a much better off in the long run.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.