Yapyapyap *grr!* arf bark!

Or, translated from Vulpine, “Fuck off, world!”.

Don’t mind me, I am just in a crappy mood. Not for any particular reason that I Can think of, mind you, just a lot of small frustrations building up into a big ball of angrily nihilistic grunge style passive aggressive rage.

Plus today is my first day on generic Loratadine instead of my usual Reactine Complete. I have switched (with Julian’s help) as a cost cutting measure because the generic stuff is like half the price of the Reactine.

But that does mean I Am doing without the other half of Reactine Complete, which is the pseudo-epinephrine, which is a nasal decongestant.

In theory, if the antihistamine is keeping me from sneezing, I won’t need a nasal decongestant, but we shall see.

Call it a pilot program. If I am not happy with the result, I will bite the bullet and shell out the extra money for the Reactine.

I do feel like part of my crap mood is a general and diffuse inflamed feeling, like my body is annoyed with me but refuses to tell me why.

My relationship with my body is… complicated.

Plus I just don’t seem to have a lot of words in me right now.

I blame the sunshine. It’s a lovely, summer-type day out today, and that has switched me into Summer Mode, which tends to make me feel lazy and self-indulgent and disinclined to focus down and think about deep stuff.

And that’s more or less what I do here. Talk about deep stuff.

Ot just rattle on about my inane life. Either/or.

Been playing Dragon Age : Origins, which as the name implies is the first Dragon Age games, and quite honestly the best one.

Sad but true.

It’s a great game but I am beginning to remember large swathes of the plot as I play, so it is possible that this playthrough will not last that long.

Oh well. The first time I installed it, I played through like eight to ten times, so I have definitely gotten my money’s worth from the game already

I feel a little ripped off, though, because I was really hoping that it had been long enough since I had played it that the game would seem new-ish.

But I guess when you play through an entire game eight to ten times, it ends up locked away in your memory more or less forever.

It was funny, though, how before I installed the game, I remembered almost none of it. Hence my feeling like it would seem brand new to me.

But the moment I had gone through the opening cutscene and made my character, it all started coming back to me in big, meaty chunks.

That’ just how my mind works, I guess. Ask me to tell you everything I remember about a movie or TV episode I have seen and I will draw a total blank except for maybe a few key moments or bits of dialogue.

But once I start watching it again, it will come back to me.

I think my memory is very much optimized towards specific queries. And part of why I was always so oood at school was that I got as much information out of the question itself that I possibly could.

Which is great for an exam or Trivia Night but not so much for open ended questions.

I mean, in my school days, I could still answers those, “Name three things about X” questions, but it was uncomfortable and awkward because my brain does not go in that direction of its own accord.

Anyhow, as fascinating as that isn’t, I am gonna go lay down now

More after the break.

Grr, bark, etc.

Still not feeling great.

Woke up from a nap when my alarm went off at around 8 pm. Time to go eat and blog. Problem was, I needed to poop.

Got that done, and found that process had upset my digestive system enough that I no longer had any appetite so supper was kind of off.

So now I am sitting here munching trail mix and drinking water as I type my words for the day out for you lovely people.

And feeling, in general, curmudgeonly. Cranky. Makes me wish I had a lawn so I could yell at some kids to get off it.

This one’s for you, Mister Clarke, my neighbor from around the block, who used to yell at me and the other neighborhood kids to get off HIS lawn.

I get it now. Mister Clarke. I really do.

Really. “get off my lawn” is just the urban version of “get off my land”. Either way, you are defending your territory from interlopers in a way that must hearken back to the days of almost universal agriculture.

Hunter-gatherers don’t need to defend their territories, just their tribes. Their peoples’ prosperity was not tried to how much land their could control.

But once we settled down and built farms, shit got real. And suddenly the idea of ownership of land and other goods came along to replace primitive ownership which says you only own that which you are defending this very minute.

Then again, even non-human animals can have territories for the express purpose of controlling the most important ancient resource of them all : pussy.

Maybe on some deep deep level, the old man chasing kids off his lawn is merely re-enacting the ancient drama of chasing away young rival males who are trying to mate with your females.

But whatever. I do go on and on, don’t I?

I am sure I will get over my pissy mood sooner or later. Nothing lasts forever, not even the bas stuff. And who knows, maybe I will get something useful done in the meantime.

Heck, my birthday is in 11 days and I still have no idea what I want.

Maybe I will buy myself a new game, or… something.

I imagine I will work it out in this space sometimes soon. Until then…

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.