And now, the Ye Olde Fornicators Guild presents this demonstration of the ancient and majesty art of fuckery.
My computer’s been misbehaving. It crashes when I am not using it (probably due to Salad) and when it reboots it can’t connect to the Internet.
Obviously, I solved this problem for now, but not before I rebooted a bunch of times.
What worked this time was a completely cold boot. Turned the power off at the power supply and waited for the case fan’s blades to stop turning, then turned it on again.
Apparently, that was what it needed. I exorcised whatever little demons were fucking things up by completely mindwiping the computer.
Wow, Windows’ dictionary has the word “mindwiping”. I am impressed. I had no idea the Windows dictionary was that hip.
Or maybe I did know but somehow forgot all about it….
Feeling physically and emotionally cold right now. The emotional part of it has been happening on and off for a while now. I have these periods where I feel especially cut off from the human race and completely and utterly alone, and all I can do is keep on trudging forward, knowing that as long as I keep moving, I will reach the other side of it.
When you’re going through hell, keep going!
Great. Just great.
Just got back from the bathroom. Despite having defecated quite recently, my body apparently needed a repeat performance, and so I had to interrupt my blogging (which I am loath to do) to go eliminate waste again.
Now I am back from said mission and I am quite dizzy and tired.
One might even say I’m pooped. (SFX : Cries of audience outrage)
And I don’t feel well at all. I am feeling so unwell that I may end up having to stop blogging before I hit the end of part 1 and go lay down.
Yellow alert, basically. I am not ready to pull the brake cord to make the train stop just yet, but I am eyeing the scenery and looking for a soft spot to land if I end up jumping off before my stop.
And of course, this would have to happen on the weekend. And not just the weekend, Saturday night, when there is almost always going to be nobody here but me.
Oh well. Whatever happens, I will take care of it. I always do.
A big part of expanding my world will be getting over my long ingrained feelings of weakness and incompetence and helplessness.
Sure, I have unavoidable limitations, but I am a smart and resourceful and more than capable of solving whatever problems arise if I just give myself a chance.
Deal with it first, freak out about it later.
The ability to remain cool under pressure is something I have always admired. It was one of my late father’s truly heroic attributes. He is one hundred percent the person I would want with me during a crisis.
The rest of the time he can fuck right off, though. Moody prick. Cool in a crisis and testy and angry and verbally abusive the rest of the time.
Don’t get me started.
Anyhow, my point was that I can handle unexpected things if I have to so there is no need, or a lot less need, for me to worry about bad things happening to me.
I will of course avoid the pitfalls I can see coming, but the door will always be open to completely random shit that I never could have anticipated dropping by to fuck with my shit and force me to deal with things myself instead of withdrawing in panic but not before whining for a real grownup to come fix it for me.
That’s no way to live. I won’t learn to respect myself like that.
Time to man up at last and get shit DONE.
Like a nap. Right now.
More after the break.
Just skating along
But I never learned to skate.
I had a number of opportunities. Every year of elementary school there was at least one field trip to the rink at Cahill Stadium in my home town. I could have learned then.
The first problem with that, though, is that I would have had to ask my parents for skates, and I was far too timid to do that.
On a deep level, I understood that people barely tolerated me. I was an unexpected and unwanted burden and responsibility first and foremost and I should thank my lucky stars that I got anything ever and that people ever put up with me at all.
Asking for more than that was bound to go about as well for me as it did for Oliver Twist.
The lack of skates led to my having to feel humiliated and abandoned when all the other kids had skates and I didn’t and I was decades away from being able to explain why.
“Because my parents don’t love me very much and deeply resent me for being alive. ”
I wonder if that would have caused a stir. Probably not. It would have been just another weird thing said by that weird fat kid that made people just shake their heads like they’re trying to wake up and then move on, forgetting what I said as quickly as possible.
Because it disturbed them. I have that effect on people. I weird them out.
Maybe that marks me as a visionary. I dunno. The way I see things is so different from how people usually see things that exposure to my thoughts can leave people feeling dizzy and disoriented.
Maybe it would go over better as a book or Ted type talks. I could fire up the webcam and record myself holding forth on this and that. Put it on YouTube with the right tags.
The problem with that is picking where to start. Anywhere, I suppose. My thoughts are so densely intertwined that one spot is as good as another, really.
Yeah. Maybe I’m a visionary who could bring about a whole new era of thought.
That’d be neat.
I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.