Spidey in jeopardy! `

Got home from class and watched Jeopardy! and Ultimate Spider Man. I am one happy nerd.

Also finished off my BBQ Duck Lo Mein from the Wong Kee Restaurant that I ordered last Saturday night. It was very disappointing.

For one thing, the duck wasn’t BBQ, It was just roast duck. Even worse, it was all bones and gristle. There were a few big pieces of meat but mostly it was stuff that should never have been part of any dish in the first place. It’s like they just crudely diced a whole roast duck and threw it in there.

That can’t be how it’s supposed to be. It has to be that someone cut a serious corner in order to do things faster. I can’t believe that any restaurant would serve a dish with bone in it all mixed up with the meat in a jumble. Something has to have gone wrong.

I probably should call up and complain, but I doubt I will. Maybe next time I order, I will mention it. It was really unacceptable food and someone in charge should know shit like that is going down.

Right now, in the Spidey episodes I am watching, they have already gone through the New Warriors plotline (Spidey gathers a new team…. even though he already HAS one… ) and now we are into the Alternate Universe Spider-Men plot. Spidey has to chase Green Goblin through alternate versions of the Marvel Universe with various different Spidey types already there.

The trip to Spider-man 2099 land was meh. It was okay, but it wasn’t any special. And it was CGI, which automatically makes it worse.

But the second universe was gender flipped universe, and that was fun. Female J. Jonah Jameson was downright disturbing. Really brings out the notes of hysteria in his voice as he blathers about Spider-Man.

They did do one irritating thing though : they made Spider-Girl SUPER sexist. Apparently, some writers are still enamored with the whole “What if women treated men like men treat women!” (mind totally blown, right?) only men don’t treat women like that any more.

That kind of “never let a woman do a man’s job” and “don’t worry your pretty little head about it, darlin'” sexism died out in the Seventies. If it really was the same universe gender flipped, Spider-Girl would be no more sexist than Peter Parker.

And we all know Spidey is cool about the ladies. Both because he is a decent, compassionate, evolved kind of guy, and because if he wasn’t, Firestar and Mary Jane would get together and kick his ass.

It can be nice to have your moral choices backed by threats of physical harm. Gives you a warm secure feeling. Keeps you from backsliding.

Speaking of which, today in Ethics we spent the whole class dealing with the idea that morality is dependent upon religion. So, another yawn fest, topic style. It’s so blatantly obvious to me that it is not that it was somewhat tedious to go through it in laborious detail.

Oh well. Next time we delve into Utilitarianism, and I will be all ears for that.

Next time is also when we will be doing that placement test thing I mentioned before. The one where it’s graded out of three and everyone will be grouped according to score.

I still really, really want a three. So once I get my hands on the textbook for the course, I am going to practically memorize the article it will be based on.

The location of my textbook for that course is currently a mystery. I checked and I definitely ordered it and paid for it along with all the other books I received last Friday. But as far as I can tell and as far as I can remember, it wasn’t in there.

I wish I had kept the bill of lading so I could check to see if said textbook was on it or not. That would be useful information in determining whether the textbook never went into the box in the first place, or whether it somehow got lost along the way.

Ah ha… I actually just found the shipping information on my account at the bookstore, and it definitely does not contain the missing textbook. So something definitely happened between ordering and shipping. Someone owes me the damned book.

My not getting lumped in with dullards and listless lumps depends on it!

One clue is that the order says something about the Kwantlen Print Shop. The textbook is not a traditional textbook, it’s what is called a “reading package”, which is pretty much just a bunch of articles the prof selects printed and ring bound.

It’s a truly brilliant creation. Everybody wins. The teacher gets exactly the textbook she wants, the students get a relatively cheap text (around 24 bucks) and rights holders for the articles get paid for doing nothing at all.

They love that kinda shit.

So it could be that my reading package got printed but wasn’t ready when they packed my order and someone said “Eh, forget it, good enough!” and sent it out anyway.

The plot thickens, and begins to bubble wetly…. I just noticed that it says “cancelled”. SaysWHAAAT? I sure as hell never canceled it. I need that damned thing.

So now our mysterious lazy packer may have canceled an item off my order just to be able to get it done?

Or something completely else. Now I am trying to figure out if I got charged for it. If I didn’t, then everything is cool and I will just go buy it at the bookstore.

But if I did, I am going to want that damned book and I am not paying twice for it.

That means I have to figure out how to present a receipt for a virtual transaction to the bookstore so I can proved I paid for the thing.

And from my experiences with the bookstore staff so far, that could get…. tricky. The cashiers are just girls from the college and don’t really know much, and the lady who hands out the textbooks (they don’t have room to display them all) is kinda cranky and doesn’t speak great English.

But I will not pay twice for the same textbook.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.