The world has stopped making sense.
So I go to do my weekly shopping, buying from Superstore via DoorDash. I bring up the Superstore site on DoorDash and immediately know something is wrong because the “things you previously bought” strip only has ten items on it
What the great big galloping FUCK?
I click on “show all” and…. nothing changes. Instead of my usual screen full of like sixty different products, I got just those ten things.
And therefore I am completely lost.
I am so used to relying almost entirely on that section for all my shopping. After all. like most people, I end up buying the same things over and over. So that “previously bought” makes things so much easier.
Oh well, I thought, mentally rolling up my shirtsleeves and squaring my shoulders, I guess I will just have to actually think of what things I need and search for them one by one the old fashioned way.
They weren’t there.
Seriously. Product after product just plain missing. Things you would not think would just like, disappear all of a sudden.
I mean, for fuck’s sake, they didn’t have my No Name Original Trail Mix!
In fact, when I did a search for “no name”, only three fucking products came up! Three! Superstore is like the world headquarters for No Name brand products and yet somehow they only had three things listed on DoorDash today!
I mean holy jostling jiggling fuck, Batman.
It has completely thrown me off. I feel very discombobulated right now. Once more, life has thrown a curveball at me. Something I could never have predicted would ever happen let alone seen coming. And it’s knocked me for a loop.
And I am left wondering what the hell is going on. What could cause this bizarre outage? Where did my products go?
The mostly likely cause is some kind of error on DoorDash’s part. Something fucked up and they accidentally delisted a ton of products and by tomorrow, god willin’, they will have fixed it and things can go back to normal.
Like I said, that’s the most likely cause. But it’s not the only one.
See, I went looking around other stores’ DoorDash sites and I could not find my products there either. It’s like they never existed in the first place.
So my thoughts immediately went to our turmoil with our mercurial neighbors to the south. Was it possible that all the products that have gone missing came from south of the border and are now under embargo?
Not likely, I admit. But I have to wonder. Presumably if something that enormous and impactful were going down, I would have heard about it somehow.
At least I think I would. It’s hard to say with me because I don’t have regular news reading habits. I tend to get my news from either BlueSky or Colbert.
And I don’t always check either of those. Colbert’s not on during the weekend, including Friday, and I check BlueSky whenever I feel like it.
In fact, in some ways, I am a man of irregular habits. I tend to sort of make things up as I go based on how I feel.
Over time, things do settle into certain patterns. I have my meals at the same times every day, more or less. And I blog with lunch and dinner.
And the odds are pretty good that if I’m not eating or sleeping or blogging, I am playing a video game. Sigh.
i want more out of life. I want a place in society. I want to feel like I am contributing and not just living off of others. I want to join that great big shiny productive connected interpersonal world out there that most people take completely for granted.
I want in, god damn it.
But I’m all broken inside.
More after the break.
Armageddon ain’t over
I just checked DoorDash and yup, it’s still fucked up.
Well tomorrow is do or die time because I am officially out of trail mix now and I need a resupply stat. So if things aren’t rectified by early tomorrow afternoon, I am going to have to resort to something drastic.
Namely, putting together a shopping list and asking Julian to go shopping for me.
That, at least, will answer the question of whether these products are truly gone or just not listed on DoorDash for some reason.
If Julian goes there and there’s bare shelves everywhere and he can’t find my No Name Original Trail Mix anywhere, we will know that perfidy is afoot.
But if everything is normal and the Trail Mix is there, we’ll know it’s a DoorDash thang.
Which would be a lot better for yours truly. I don’t want to have to come up with a whole new shopping regime with brand new products because apparently mine are all gone.
I haven’t tried it in Microsoft Edge yet. Maybe it’s a Chrome thing, somehow.
If it does turn out to be that, I will give serious thought to migrating to Edge for good. I have no reason to be loyal to any particular browser seeing as I don’t do anything but go to websites and bookmark some of them, and all browsers do that.
So I will go where I have to for things to fucking work right.
I really don’t want to prevail upon Julian. And I really, really don’t want to have to make a shopping list. That’s so much mental effort! I have to remember everything that I need and that means mentally combing through the kitchen over and over.
Oh right, and if I end up needing Julian, that would mean paying for my groceries in cash instead of paying with the card and that would be a hassle too.
All in all, this whole deal has really knocked the blocks out from under me and I greatly resent this disruption to my routine.
I hope I can sort this bullshit out.
I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.