Stumbling through the smog

And the smog is too think to see through for more than a few inches, and hot as an oven, and toxic enough to give you a constant pounding headache and makes it hard to breathe at all, and the place you are stumbling through is filled with smoky shadows of things that might be real or might just be tricks of the light, and you have no way of knowing, or even avoiding them, until you slam into them and bark your shin and stub your toe and fall spinning and tumbling and scraping onto the hard, jagged, filthy ground.

And ever time you get back up again, it takes more of your energy to get back up, and you are filthier and you have more bruises and sores and cuts open to the toxic fumes, and you are tempted to just lay there forever and never move again, but soon you start to ache and the terror caches up to you and you start to be convinced that if you don’t keep moving, the shadows will get you and have no choice but you heave yourself to your bleeding feet once more and keep blindly stumbling through the stink and the heat and the dark.

And you know there is help in the smog somewhere, but you can’t find it, even if you know where it is, you can’t get there on your own. And who can help you? They can point and push and tug and call your name, but you can’t really see them through the smog and filth, and trying to maintain contact with them is so hard when you can barely see or hear them, let along feeling the love they try to give. Everything hurts, and your energy is always being drained, and you don’t know how to find the way out of the smog, or if you do know, you don’t know how to get there, because nobody can understand just how little you have to invest in any plan and how much it takes out of you just to make it through another stumbling, fumbling day.

I am not in the best of moods.

Meh, this too shall pass. I am just feeling down because of bad sleep that kept being interrupted by unremembered nightmares leaving me feeling very low and anxious and low-level paranoid. It’s really a Kafka-esque purgatory, but I can feel that it is running its course and will end with enough time and hydration and soothing computer nipple nursing.

But I have been thinking dark thoughts lately, along these lines : what if you are too sick to do the things you would need to do to get well?

it really gives one a perspective on autonomy to have the sort of emotional and physical problems that I have. Past a certain point of emotional disability and mental disarray, you are just too messed up to take care of yourself in any way. And unless you have a very strong support network of people to help you out when you just cannot got on, or when, as so often happens with me, you get lost in your inner fog and forget what it is you are supposed to be doing, or can’t tell which of the hundreds of things you should be doing to do….. you are pretty much fucked.

I suppose I need something like a keeper or a handler. Someone to provide the focus and continuity and direction that I cannot seem to manage myself. By myself, I am diffuse and diffident and easily lose my way or simply hit a period when I am completely incapable of coping and everything falls apart.

By myself, I can’t do anything, really.

But I am certain hat, with the proper support, I could be amazing. I know that I am brilliant and creative and insightful and capable of making beautiful and wonderful dreams, but I just can’t seem to get there on my own. And if you can’t get there on your own, it seems, you just can’t get there.

It would be one thing if I had an obvious external handicap or dread disease or something. But as far as the outside world can tell by looking at me, I am just some fat guy who is a loser because he can’t cope with the simplest things. Or at least, that is often how I feel about myself.

My brother’s right. I should just forget about dreams and potential and just try to make a life for myself.

a Sunday Special?

Well, it’s 10:20, I haven’t written anything today, and I am far too full of the fine cuisine of ABC Country Kitchen (they have this amazing pot roast burger called Beef on Beef… sounds almost as dirty as their Pulled Pork!) to think about writing something serious, academic, or coherent, so you fine people get whatever the heck is on my mind and/or tabbed in my Firefox tonight.

It’s the Sunday Special! But whether it’s the good kind of special or the short bus kind is up to you.

Been trying to get more active on Reddit lately. Well, by “more active”, I really mean “active whatsoever”, seeing as when I made that account, it was way, way back in the days when I was trying to get (no link, doesn’t exist any more!) going. It was supposed to be a very 2.0 comedy link accumulator based on the model, but I lack the sort of personality to make something like that work. So it went fizzle fizzle flop.

Anyhow, the reason that I am interested in Reddit after many years of ignoring it is that I have noticed that it has become almost as active a internet culture incubator and molten nerdness reactor as 4chan, and unlike mother frisking 4chan, I don’t loathe its interface. Plus, unlike the /b/ crew over at The Chan, Reddit contributors (rather cloyingly referred to as “Redditors”) actually get mentioned in mainstream media articles about Internet events and even current events, and that’s exactly the kind of spotlight I long to elbow my way into.

Unfortunately, there’s a small snafu with my membership, so I can barely contribute links. Something about my email not being verified. Hopefully, I will straighten that out soon, and be able to throw links to my better articles up there and see what sticks.

Already, the one article I have posted to Reddit (yesterday’s N-factor and the center of the herd) netted me a thoughtful, interesting, and delightfully on-point comment on said article. This is exactly the sort of feedback that keeps us ink stained wretches (metaphorically speaking) going, so that is definitely strong encouragement for me to keep throwing links their way and trying to get the attention of the Internet intelligentsia (intergentsia? Nah, sounds like some obscure transhumanist magazine). So I will try to make Reddit more friendly to me.

What else… oh right. There might be proof of life in outer space.

It’s all up in the air, but as a space cadet science fiction loving card carrying nerdoid, I am hoping like hell it pans out, because that would be freaking awesome. There is a vast difference between merely being certain there must, in all probability, be life in outer space (would be vastly more improbable for there to be none, given the size of, you know, SPACE), and actual verifiable scientific evidence, sitting there for all the world to test and examine. That is a whole other realm of knowledge, and would prove that we are not completely alone in this big beautiful cosmos.

It is a testament to how gregarious we are as a species that what we really want to know about outer space is whether there are other people out there.

Let’s see…. closer to home, Michael Bay has admitted Transformers 2 was crap and apologized.

Well, sort of. It’s actually one of those mealy-mouthed sideways halfway “mistakes were made” and “in hindsight, some things did not go exactly as planned” type apologies, so he does not exactly get full credit for it. Throw in blaming the Writer’s Strike, and hey, Bay, thanks, but still, fuck you very much.

Oh, and a friend linked this to me and I thought I would share it with you people because it’s snazzy.

It takes a little while to get really cooking, and I was dubious at first because the premise (make fun of Christin Bale’s incoherent growling in Dark Knight) seemed very limited and one-note to me, but the various Joker reactions are actually quite witty and funny, so they manage to make it work.

Plus, the guy doing Batman really sells the incoherent guttural growling. It sounds plausible, instead of cartoonishly exaggerated beyond believability, and that is very important for this kind of satire. The hilarious Joker reactions would fall flat without it. We have to be right there with the Joker saying “What the hell did he just say?” like we are in the movie with him for this sort of comedy to really zing, and he does a great job.

Well, I guess that’s all for me for now. Hope you enjoying this Sunday “Special”!