The swiftest blade

Merry Xmas, all you nice people! Now on to the obsessive introspection.

I’ve been thinking about how my mind is so good at punishing me for very minor things that the whole process happens with the swiftness and severity of the drop of a guillotine’s blade.

I’ve talked about this before. I make some minor mistake – click the wrong icon and accidentally bring up the wrong program, I can’t find the book I am reading, I stand up the wrong way and my busted knee hurts – and this whole cycle of shock, dear, and self-loathing happens in the twinkle of an eye and suddenly my mood has taken a big hit over something extremely unimportant.

It’s not hard to imagine why. I have been doing this for so long that the brain pathways are very strong. It’s a way of taking out some of my latent anger and frustration on myself (never a good idea), and this way, my depression maintains itself.

Even when I am happy, there is a part of me that isn’t happy, because happiness is so weird for me that when it ends, that part of me is like, phew! That was awful.

Awful because it was different from the usual status quo mood of neutral-depressed that I have lived in for so much of my life.

Sad to think unhappiness can become a habit, isn’t it? Even sadder to think it can feel like… home.

So the whole thing happens so fast that I don’t feel like I can stop it cognitively. At least, not by the straightforward “sense it happening and call time out to examine it” method I have used with other thing like this before. And it happens so frequently that it must be the primary cause of my low self esteem.

So I need to either block the blade, or toughen the target, or both.

I do what I can now to ameliorate the effects of the blade, but that always comes after it has done its damage to me, and therefore there is only so much I can do. I tell myself “No, wait, that was just the same kind of dumb mistake anyone could make” but I can’t make myself truly believe it. That part of me that likes it when I stay depressed (and hence, in a perverse way, “safe”) sees to that.

God I am sleepy. But : words first!

Clearly, I need to tackle this problem with something more sophisticated than cognitive capture. This probably requires something that isn’t cognitive at all, and hence outside my usual comfort zone.

Yesterday, I was telling Doctor Costin about how I felt trapped in my reason-bound life. That I have come to the conclusion that the one thing a life constrained by logic, reason, and facts cannot provide is transcendence. One cannot transcend the self in a world without magic or religion. By hewing fast to strictly transpersonal truth, one denies oneself permission to invent the cure needed for what ails their soul. And the souls suffers greatly for it.

That’s what I think the primary religious experience is : a moment when your imagination conceives of and believes something that repairs the damage. That can be anything from a feeling of communion with Christ when you are at church to someone developing a strong belief in having been abducted by aliens, but the end result is the same : the person imagines and believes something which fills in the gaps in life for them and makes them feel both whole and part of something bigger than themselves.

And while science can, in a sense, provide you with all kinds of ways you are part of something greater than oneself – we are, after all, made of stuff born in the heart of a dying star in a universe so vast that we can scarcely comprehend it and part of a long chain of life spanning back to the first life on Earth – that does not actually fill the requirement of feeling like you are part of something greater than yourself because there is no human factor.

We need to feel part of something greater than ourselves because that is meant to drive us to work together in a common endeavour. You can’t get that from astrophysics alone.

The only way a reason-bound person can connect with something greater than themselves is to believe in something entirely secular like a cause or an organization. I’m not sure I can do that yet… I am too mistrusting. It is really hard for me to join anything that I didn’t create and control.

It is very hard to find transcendence when you are incapable of letting your identity dissolve into a group identity. On a very deep animal level, I vigorously resist anything that tries to encroach upon my identity. I resist it like it is trying to kill me.

That’s how scared it can make me. It’s not an easy thing to think about. I guess I just don’t trust people on a really deep level. Or maybe it is the long term effect of isolation. You spend so much time excluded from everything that any change in that seems like a dreadful invasion.

I can’t let people in… then I will get hurt! And yet, I really long for connection with others. I have been so alone in my cold little world for so long that I dream of finding someone I feel I can trust enough to truly relax around them.

That kind of deep trust would be an enormous spiritual step forward for me. There is a part of me that is still the little boy who was afraid of his classmates and tried to avoid them whenever he could. The boy who couldn’t make friends with he people who tried to make friends with him because he was all frozen inside, and couldn’t thaw out enough to let friendship change him.

Warm on the outside, winter on the inside, that’s me.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

On The Road : Knights Of The Old Spaghetti Factory edition

Here I am in the Old Spaghetti Factory at Riverport, about to dig in to my minestrone, fresh from seeing Star Wars : The Force Awakens, anticipating a lovely Italian meal. I feel great.

Warning, I AM going to talk about the movie, but only in a very general sense, so there will be no spoilers. Being a spoiler hater myself, I would never even dream of doing that to someone else, let alone all you nice people who read me.

I loved the movie. It is what a Star Wars movie should be : lots of cool shit like space ships, battles, chases, droids, planets, aliens, and so on, but with a strong and compelling plot driving it all.

Anyone who thinks Star Wars has ever been deeper than that is deluding themselves. If you cannot get over the fact that the thing you have loved since you saw it as a kid is not exactly high in intellectual content, that is between you and your inner child.

I am just glad that my feeling about JJ Abrams turned out to correct. My feeling was that everything that made ol double J wrong, wrong, wrong for Star Trek movies would make him perfect for Star Wars. His love of effects laden battles, his penchant for overwrought drama, his disinclination to be bound by the laws of science and nature, his skill at spectacle, his essentially just being a nerdy kid at heart…. all of that is toxic to the somewhat more adult and intellectual, thought, science fictional property like Star Trek, but perfect for the adventure story nature of Star Wars.

And I loved the 3D aspect of it. It made it feel far more real. Within the first ten minutes, I knew that the extra seven bucks for 3D was TOTALLY JUSTIFIED. Like others have said, it make it feel more like a live performance than a movie.

It is still what I would call multiplanar 3D. You can clearly see that everything is in layers just like in animation. So it is sort of like watching an extremely high resolution paper puppet show.

But the eye quickly learns to fill in the rest. After that, it look very real.

Actually, one of my favorite effects was one of the simplest : on screen text looked AWESOME.  Like it was hovering right in front of your eyes. Both the subtitles from when characters who are neither cute droids or Wookies spoke Not-english AND the end credits looked amazing.

Figures that a text biased person like me would be impressed by something like that. What can I say, words are my friends.

On the bus home now. Will continue when I get home.


Back at home. Notes on my meal at the Old Spaghetti Factory.

I was reluctant to go to the OSF because I find pasta to be not very filling, and I didn’t want to walk away still feeling hungry. So I looked over the menu, and had just about decided to order my usual – the Spaghetti With Meat Sauce – when I saw my salvation.

Lasagna! Nature’s most perfect food.

So I ordered the lasagna, and man, am I pleasantly full right now. Phew!

Plus I had forgotten one of my favorite things about the OSF : their “everything’s included!” policy. All meals come with a cup of soup or a salad (soup for me, minestrone), dinner bread (very nice mini loaves with whipped butter), a scoop of ice cream for dessert.

You can have vanilla ice cream or spumoni. For those of you who don’t know, spumoni is like Neapolitan, only instead of strawberry or cherry, it has pistachio.

So instead of the Brown White and Red, it’s the Brown White and Green. I actually like it better than Neapolitan. I have always found that the red component (especially if it’s cherry) is too high and bright a sweetness to go with the more subdued flavours of vanilla and chocolate. Pistachio blends right in.

I am sure you were all dying to know that.

Outfoxed myself a little on the way home. I was fine being on the 404 (page missing) with only two other passengers on the bus. [1]

But then a stop marked Buswell came along, and I thought “Buswell? Great, I will save myself a block!”

And that would have been true – if I had gotten off at Buswell and Cook. But this was two blocks away from that, near Value Village. D’oh! If I had stayed on the bus till we reached Brighouse Station (aka The Skytrain), it would have been a two block walk. Instead, it was three.

Oh well. It’s a very pleasant evening out. Cool without being really cold, moist without being wet, are clean and fresh. So the walk home was quite pleasant.

And my knee handled it well enough. Perhaps the time off really has been good to it.

Oh, and I had another encounter with my beloved Lulu Island Bunnies on the way. That was worth the extra block of walking right there. There was a medium grey one, and at first I thought they were alone.

But then I realized one of the shadows nearby was actually a jet black bunny, with only a few bits of white here and there to give it visual definition. Otherwise, it was a creature of darkness and night.

So, a goth bunny.

Sadly, I got no footage of it, because my tablet was being super freaking slow and I really needed to pee and couldn’t wait for it to finally load the camera program. So I had to say bye bye to the cute lil bunnies and keeping walking, because the urinary pressure was way less severe when I was moving.

Made the ride up in the elevator seem longer than usual, though.

And that’s my Xmas Eve, folks. It’s been great sharing it with all you nice people. I hope you all have a very merry Xmas and a phenomenal New Year.

And I will, as always, talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)

  1. You know when you’re an introvert when being on an empty bus makes you happy and relaxed. It’s similar to the feeling I get when I am walking late at night when nobody else is around. Apparently my real problem is with people. Without them around, I am walking on air.