The plot thickens

So, I finally went and beat Dragon Age : Inquisition yesterday.

Thank goodness “taming” (beating up) my dragon didn’t crash it the second time. It truly was just a problem of having been playing the game for too long.

I will try to remember to be careful about how long I keep my computer humming from now on. Maybe quit the game to give my poor compu-box a break now and then.

I wonder if it’s a head buildup thing?

The ending of the game was unoriginal but satisfying. Fought the “big bad” of the game, a demonic sorcerer called Corypheus, and killed his evil ass, or at least sent him off to some other dimension.

And I got to do the thing I love in the happy endings of video games, namely talk to all my friends in the game one last time and have one last warm exchange of mutual appreciation and celebration of our overwhelming awesomeness before it’s time for the music to swell and the credits to roll.

Bonus : there’s an important character that is only in one pivotal scene near the end of the game, and I heard her voice and said, “Oh, it’s that voice actress who sounds like Kate Mulgrew. I love her work. ”

See, I’ve been fooled a number of times by people who sound like Kate “Captain Janeway” Mulgrew and so I have learned not to get my hopes up.

But then the credits roll, and it really WAS Kate Mulgrew!

I marked like a bitch.

And it was only after the whole credits went by PLUS a post-credits scene with dazzling implications and reveals played that I suddenly remember that there’s a whole post-victory campaign called Trespasser for me to play now.

And I have mixed feelings about that. It’s a great game and I have grown quite attached to my character and his band of heroes and so spending more time with them all is a good thing indeed.

But on the other hand, I had mentally closed the book on the game and was looking forward to moving on to my next game, a game with the odd title Dragon’s Dogma.

That’s the game I started playing today, and it wasn’t till this truly impressive opening animation began to play…

*insert Tin Man from Wizard of Oz reference here*

…that I realized I’d played the damned thing before and had not liked it.

And I must have returned it, because I had to re-buy it, and then I completely forgot about the game and it’s stupid name until yesterday.

That said. I am going to try to give it another shot. But it already has strikes against it, like the fact that there’s no Quicksave and Quickload buttons and the button setup is clearly made for controllers not keyboards because it’s nearly impossible for me to hold down ALT or CTRL while also using WSAD to move my character around.

Oh well. I have also reinstalled Mass Effect Legendary Edition, which contains the first three games in the series, and that could keep me busy for a good long while because it’s been so long since I played the whole series straight through that they are practically new games to me now.

Plus, if I really need something REALLY new (to me), I have accumulated around $4.50 in profits from Salad and can use that to buy any number of games for them.

So I am not really worried about the fact that Dragon’s Dogma might turn out to be a dud. The writing seems to be pretty good and that whole scene with the dragon eating your heart is quite awesome, but that might not be enough to get me past the clunky interface and weird combat system.

And that’s today’s bulletin from what I have instead of having a life.

More after the break.

Then which one are you?

There was a joke going around a while back that goes like this :

Got into a fender bender with what turned out to be a midget. He got out of his car, looking really angry, and said, “I’m not happy… ”

To which I interjected, then which one are you?

Well right now I, like the fellow in the joke, am Grumpy.

And this is a good thing in the long run. I have been talking lately about how the emotion most likely to get me past my anti-action bias and into actually doing things is anger and frustration, and I am certainly feeling that tonight.

i am so fucking sick and tired of living in a pigsty. My room needs so much damned cleaning and I am finally getting pissed off enough to actually do something about it.

Eventually. Some day. Real soon now.

Sadly, I am still on my journey to overcome all that dead weight inertia and frozen paralysis that still resides in my over-encumbered soul.

I’m still waking myself up. Thawing myself out. Resurrecting myself. And that is not something I can speed up. It will happen in its own sweet time.

That said, it does seem to be speeding up lately, possibly due to my both tapping in to that frustration and making peace with the fact that in order to get out of this decades long funk, I am going to have a much less peaceful and orderly inner life for a while.

And that means my outer life will probably be all higgledy-piggledy too.

So I apologize in advance if I become temporarily hard to deal with. I will do what I can to keep my temper tamped down, but what I am overcoming is, in part, a tendency to value inner peace over everything else, including happiness, and overcoming that is bound to cause some, um, turbulence.

Basically I am giving birth to my adult self, and birth is always messy.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.