Cross my heart, hope to die…

Thank goodness, I was wrong.

Today’s visit to an eye doctor, a Doctor Mackay, who works out of the same office as Doctor Vaezi, was far more helpful and conclusion than my visit yesterday with those bumbling fools at Doctor Chew’s office.

This time, nobody was completely thrown off by their inability to peer at my retina with their instruments. They seemed to grasp that things can happen that make imaging the back of the eye rather tricky.

Hallelujah for that.

Also, there has always been something about my left eye (or oculo sinestro) that makes it hard to image.

Perhaps it is the seat of all my dark powers.

In which case, I better get it fixed. I need that shit!

First, I had to go through the same dang tests I did yesterday. Well, mostly the same. As it turns out, they actually do have a few machines they didn’t have at Doctor Chew’s.

Doctor Mackay was another handsome young professional, this one a ginger. He looked into my eyes in various ways (but not the one I really wanted, sigh) , and told me that the occlusion in my left eye was definitely blood.

I hadn’t thought of that. I guess I assumed blood would be blood colored. I thought maybe I just had some very aggressive floaters.

Oh no, they’ve unionized!

He’s referred me to get an ultrasound of that eye. Unfortunately, that means another dang trip into Vancouver, this time to some kind of eye clinic.

I took a long shot and mentioned to the nurse that they do ultrasounds at Richmond Hospital. She looked at me blankly then said “But this is the eye. ”

I figured there was no point in pressing the matter further. I know the sound of someone’s mind slamming shut.

I’ve heard it so many times in my life.

And I get it. If someone is talking about things that exist way, way outside your frame of reference, you have to slam your mind shut or you’ll go crazy.

There’s times when I’ve had to do it myself., It’s like the person is trying to add a whole new province to your mind and you simply cannot make the necessary adjustment.

I also didn’t bother telling her that Doctor Low-Beer actually did an ultrasound of my eye last Sunday night. She did it with a portable unit and it probably doesn’t even show up in my records anywhere.

Anyhow, I have an appointment around 9 am at the Eye Care Clinic in Vancouver.

Apparently, there’s just the one.

And then I have another appointment at the same office as today at around 9 am a week from today, for the follow-up.

Oh, and lest I forget, the finale of today’s interactions with Doctor Mackay was him sticking a needle in my eye.

Which hurt almost as much as you’d think it would. The numbing agent they use on my eyes does not seem to penetrate deep enough to save me from the pain.

But at least it was just a quick jab. Ouch! Then done.

The injection might solve the problem. But if not, surgery.

Got home around 4:15 pm. Had to go directly into blogging and eating. And tonight, we’re doing Denny’s because we couldn’t do it Sunday night with Joe sick and me still in the freaking ER.

I’ve been so busy lately!

Boy, am I looking forward to doing fuck all tomorrow.

More after the break.

Some nice pictures

I’ve been so medically busy lately that I figure it’s high time for me to take a little rest and just post some of my recent happy fluffy G-rated art I did with Bing AI.

I guess the VERY strict ban on making anything even slightly smutty with Bing AI has had one good effect on me : it’s encouraged me to make more non-smut art.

And that’s a good thing. Gets me to stretch my visual imagination.

OK, let’s get started.

This magnificent lady is the Goddess of the Dawn

Dunno what that is supposed to be on her off-hand, but I could not get rid of it.

Isn’t she gorgeous? I wanted to make an image of pure, radiant Good, and she is what I came up with. She looks ready to tackle all the evil in the world with her shining sword, the Beacon of Purity, able to strike the evil from any mortal soul.

In my mind, she is amongst the wisest, most respected, most powerful, and most revered goddesses of her pantheon – but only during dawn, defined as the period between when the sun is first seen peeking over the horizon to when it first clears the horizon completely and is thus fully risen.

the rest of the time, she is just another shadow amongst the millions flitting around at the edge of the realm of the gods.

Why yes, I do tend to overthink things. Thank you.

Next, how about this lovely domestic scene?

Now I know what you’re thinking, but don’t worry – that’s a tofurkey.

I just love this pic. It really appeals to my deep homebody instincts. I dream of a deep, warm, calm, happy domestic life that is portrayed in this picture.

The sheep are optional. But certainly welcome.

And while we’re feeling all warm and fuzzy….

The title of this piece is “No Great Love”.

They’re both so lucky to have one another

There isn’t much more I can say about that one. I’m too choked up.

This is what I got when all I typed in was, “a dog and a cat talk about sports”.

I’d love to say this is exactly what I had in mind, but it’s actually way better.

Bing AI is really miraculous. isn’t it?

If it did smut, I would uninstall Easy Diffusion in a heartbeat.

I really hope someone manages to jailbreak the Dall-E 3 model some day so us heait palmed deviants can get our sweaty mitts on it.

Hmmm, one more. Ooh, I know!

Limber up your “awww!” muscles then gaze upon this :

Picture taken at the annual Big Beautiful Bunnies (BBB) picnic.

Aren’t they the cutest? I want to hug them and rub their fluffy tummies so bad!

Oooh, and fluff up those poofy cheeks!

Ahem. Anyhow, that’s enough for now.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow..