I should get frequent flier miles at the ER

Or at least a stamp on my card so I can get a free sub.

So yup, I ended up in the freakin’ emergency room again today.

But I didn’t go there directly, oh no. I was a good citizen and took my “not really an emergency per se” eye issue to the Urgent Care Center first.

And at first I waqs stoked because the waiting room was EMPTY. Holy shit, I might actually get through the system quickly!

I got to the receptionist and ha said, “Are you here to see a doctor?”

I looked at him strangely. Isn’t everyone who comes in here? “Um, yeah… I don’t have an appointment to see one, though. ”

I was impressed with how deftly I deduced his intent.

He said, “Well in that, case, I can’t admit you. We’re full ”

And I boggled a little. They were full, and yet the waiting room was empty? Where were they all hiding? Or was this place down to a capacity of like, two?

My most plausible theory is that literally everyone was taking advantage of that facility’s ability to take your cell phone number and then they will text you when the doctor is ready to see you. That way, you can wait back home or whatever.

But that doesn’t really hold water with me. Surely there would still be some people who would be waiting in the waiting room. But the place, which seats at least 50 people, was completely devoid of occupants.

And there was only one receptionist on duty. Usually there’s two. Weird.

Anyhow, that’s why we ended up going to the ER. Which would have been my preference anyhow because I trust the ER at Richmond Hospital way more than I trust that weird Urgent Care place.,

Next time I will call ahead.

Julian dropped me off at the ER, and I went through the usual stages of intake, then waiting in the waiting room, then triage, then more waiting, then being admitted to the ER ward itself.

There, I was put on a bed in their special eye room. Kinda neat that they have one. It even has that thing where you rest you chin and head so the doctor can get a good look into your eye(s)..

I got a doctor whose actual name is,. I kid you not, Doctor Low-Beer. It was right there on her nametag. I had heard her name said on a previous visit, but I naturally assumed it was spelled like, “Laubier” or the like. Nope! Low as in not high, beer as in the drink.

But before that was the visual acuity test, the absolutely classic one with the eye chart with the letters on it and covering one eye and all that.

And that’s how I learned the horrible truth : My left eye has WAY more of a problem than just a dark spot. When I covered my right eye, I couldn’t make out anything. It’s like my left eye is covered with a gauzy film, translucent but not transparent, and it’s in this film that the dark spot and the ring around it are suspended.

Well shit. Now I was REALLY worried.

After that, Doctor Tiny-Lager examined my eye, I got a head CT scan, and the doctor even did an ultrasound on my eye.

But luckily, there was no weird shit where they had to touch my eyeball. Phew.

After all was said and done, Doctor Little-Stout concluded that I had not, in fact, had a stroke (good), and then she referred me to an eye doctor in Vancouver whom I will be seeing tomorrow at 1:35 PM.

And of course, I also have wound care tomorrow, at 10:15 AM.

So it’s going to be another busy day for me.

I am really getting sick of this shit.

And I really hope Doctor Chew (yes, that’s how he spells it) can shed some light as to what the galloping fuck went wrong in my left eye.

I have zero theories myself, which is rare for me. I don’t know what the hell could cause this film to form over my left eye, let alone a film with a big black spot over it.

It sort of looks like the sort of thing you might get if I had been exposed to a really dangerously bright flash or other light source. But that hasn’t happened.

So I dunno. An infection of some kind, maybe?

I hope not. That would be ick.

Oh well, I can function quite well with my right eye doing most of the work. And tomorrow, I will hopefully learn something more about what the heck happened.

And God willin’, Doctor Chew will be able to fix it.

I have a feeling that will involve surgery, though. Which is also ick.

All this, and my new computer doesn’t work right either.

Why does life hate me?

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Addendum : 27 rap styles

I was quite impressed by this vid.

Is it just me, or are those camo sleeve tattoos?

Not only does it show a truly impressive knowledge of the entire breadth and width of the world of hip-hop, but some of the raps he comes up with to illustrate the styles are actually quite funny.

And for a total rap newb like me, it’s a very interesting and informative trip through mostly highly unfamiliar territory.

I can forgive him for crapping on heavy metal rap. Everyone does that. I assume it’s because the bands associated with it are the kind that appeal to white trash type individuals and therefore all the middle class and middle class wannabees have to crap on it to maintain class solidarity.

Kind of like all the ways people slander Denny’s food.

“Oh, the food there is TERRIBLE. Not that I’ve ever eaten there, of course. But if poor people feel comfortable eating there, it MST be terrible, right? I mean, if poor people could actually have good things.,. my entire world view would be shattered!”

Yeah. I hate that shit.

Anyhow, enjoy the video!