I like this cartoon

I love the animation style! So full of energy and fun and expression.

The art is kind ugly, but that’s true for everything these days.

Personally, I blame John Kricfalusi. Ren and Stimpy ruined everything.

Seriously, though, I love that little cartoon up there.

It even stars a fox! Though in the context of one of the many slanderous and egregious “fables” that prick Aesop told about us.

At least in this one, the fox got to get the grapes!

Here’s mud in your eye

I’ve got a dark spot in the vision in my left eye.

It developed yesterday. For much of the day, I didn’t notice it., Instead, I mistook it for a bit of hair flopping down into my line of vision, and kept trying to brush it away.

I should have known better. My hairline has receding too far for hair to get in my eyes./

b ut eventually, I realized it was there. and that was not a good feeling. As a diabetic, I am absolutely terrified of going blind, so that’s immediately where my mind went when I realized it was there.

But I don’t think I need to worry. I am pretty sure that the problem lies on the surface of the lens of my eye. Like a really big floater.

And when I turn my head or move my eye, the dark spot follows – but slowly. It takes a couple of seconds for it to float into the same position as before.

So I am thinking someone happened on the surface of my eye, although what it could be is beyond me. Whatever it was, it didn’t hurt, which is encouraging. Or at the very least, it didn’t hurt enough to ake me up.

Because I am pretty sure it must have happened when I was asleep.

Bad things happen to me when I sleep.

I am hoping that it’s just some minor, silly thing easily taken care of with eyedrops or a couple of days of antibiotics.

Slightly less desirable would be if the doctor I eventually take this to (maybe tomorrow?) has to interact directly with my eyeball. That’s always freaky.

I have this image in my head of the doctor taking one look at my eye, grabbing a Kleenex, then quickly dabbing the dark spot off like it’s something stuck to my glasses.

Not very likely, but an amusing thought nonetheless.

My biggest worry is, of course, that this is the first sign of something truly terrible happening to my eyes that will eventually lead to my going blind.

Like I’ve said before, if I go blind, put me on suicide watch immediately because I most definitely won’t want to live.

I mean, WTF would I even do with myself if I can’t see? I’m too old to learn braille.

But I am encouraged by the fact that the spot already seems less opaque than it was yesterday. Perhaps this is something my body can fix on its own.

Nevertheless, I am still gonna take it to Urgent Care tomorrow. I don’t want to. Urgent Care kind of sucks. But this is potentially serious shit and I want to get it in front of a medical professional ASAP.

Until then, I guess I will just have to keep an eye on it.

Ha ha ha.

More after the break.

Another tech support visit

Spuug dropped by this afternoon for a little more tech support.

You see, my new computer has an old problem. Like I have said before, it crashes at random times when I am using the graphics card to play games or render art.

This is quite frustrating. I hate having to reboot all the damned time, and of course, being suddenly interrupted while playing a game is maddening.

It kind of ruins the mood, ya know? There I am deep in a game of Dragon Age 2 or Baldur’s Gate 3[1], immersed in its world, when suddenly I am booted out into rude reality by the screen going black.

The fact that the audio keeps going uninterrupted only serves to underscore it.

So i Googled the problem and one of the solutions I found on Reddit said that my particular mondo beefy graphics card, the ” Asus TUF Gaming RTX 3080 ti ” to use its full Christian name, uses a LOT of power and therefore requires not one but two separate connections to the power supply in order to function.

This made sense to me, and it fit the evidence. It makes sense that the thing would cut out when it could not get enough power and it matched the evidence that this would take out the graphics but not the sound.

Makes me kind of wish it would give me a warning or a verbose error message instead of just abruptly and irrevocably crashing the visuals.

Or if it has to crash them, maybe give an audio error message. “Um, hey…. I know everything just went black… don’t panic, you’re not having a negative brain event, our graphics card just isn’t getting enough power and we don’t know why. Sorry. ”

All said in an apologetic California accent.

Anyhow, so today spuug came over to investigate and to set up that second power connection so we can see if that solves the problem.

This was very sweet of him, especially since he didn’t think it would actually help.

Well, time will tell. Like I said before, we’re testing for a negative condition, so we’re waiting for a crash to NOT occur.

Later on, when I have the time and energy, I will boot up Baldur’s Gate 2 and see how far I can get before the fucker crashes.

Hopefully, it won’t crash at all. But if it must, I hope it will wait at least an hour into my session to do it.

So far, it’s not made it past 20 minutes.

I will talk to you nice people again tomorrow.

Footnotes    (↵ returns to text)
  1. Yes, even in the world of video games, everything’s a sequel these days.